For any friends or relatives you have who might want to learn or improve their Spanish, please have them subscribe, I send messages daily here which can be useful.
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Para cualquier familiar o amigo que tienes que pueda querer aprender o mejorar su inglés, por favor dile que suscribe. Los mensajes que envío por aquí les pueden ser de utilidad.
El lenguaje nos lleva a nuevos mundos e interesantes aventuras.
∞ RHM ∞
You don’t find happiness, and yet it is so easy, you need only listen to your heart before your head intervenes which is conditioned by memory, which complicates everything with old things, with orders from the past with prejudice which sickens, which enslaves: the head which divides, it is to say impoverishes, the head which doesn’t accept that life is as it is, not as it should be.
Do only what you love and you will be happy.
~ Facundo Cabral