Lunar Letter / Challenge a Problem

From the day we enter this wonderful world until they day we depart to a reality yet unknown, we face problems and challenges.

How do we react to a problem?

What is our attitude toward a challenge?

When a problem presents itself, we often ask:

What did I do to deserve this little gem?

Why does this always happen to me?

Fears, uncertainties and doubt whine in a whirlwind of emotion. We doubt the reason a problem arises; we question our uncertainty regarding our ability to resolve it and fear we will fail in the process.

In contrast, for a challenge, we inquire:

How can I solve this situation?

What alternatives do I have?

Our reaction is a function of our perception and our perspective. If we see something as a problem, it is common to bathe in a banquet of self pity. Conversely, when we see something as a challenge, we generally confront it with energy and enthusiasm.

What is the difference between a problem and a challenge?

They are in fact one in the same!  It’s a question of attitude and vision. What appears to be a problem without resolution today, often results in a challenge fostering growth and creativity.

Instead of wallowing in the “why” of a problem, we can challenge it! Challenging a problem allows us to see it from a different perspective. When we see difficult situations as challenges with solutions instead of insoluble problems, we design our direction and direct our destiny.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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