Lunar Letter / EPPA² – The Road to Success

The road to success has been studied for thousands of years.

How do we achieve it?
What is the secret?

Without a doubt, there are several ways to get there and each of us has a different definition of success. One thing that we do know for a fact is that confidence is a primary factor of success. People who have a high degree of confidence tend to be exceptionally successful. People who are not confident tend to struggle.

Success ultimately does not depend on how much money we have or how smart we are. There are people who have a lot of money but are miserable. There are also incredibly intelligent people who haven’t figured out what to do with their knowledge. Given a choice, rich and brilliant is a great place to start but unfortunately, it isn’t possible for all of us.

Confidence can be obtained by experience, preparation, persistence and a positive attitude. One way to express this mathematically is:


The product of experience, preparation, persistence and a positive attitude squared will give us confidence.

Of the four elements, one comes with time and the other three can be controlled. The only way of gaining experience is by getting out there and doing whatever it is we do. There is no substitute. Everything that we do is difficult before it becomes easy. Just think of going to work for the very first time. Terrified is a word describing the experience for most of us. Now it is done without even thinking about it. Often this is exactly the problem.

Preparation is entirely up to us. The more prepared we are for any encounter; whether it be professional or personal, the more confident we will be in handling the situation. Most of us wouldn’t dream of going to the beach with out being prepared with our swimming suit and a towel but how many of us routinely make telephone calls or go into meetings without being prepared? It happens all the time.

Persistence is another factor over which we have complete control. When we are attracted to a member of the opposite sex, what happens to our persistence? We invent every way possible to get that person to notice us and to be close to them. Yet in the work place when a client or a colleague tells us they don’t want our product or service, we often take them at their word and give up trying. Knowledge and persistence lead us to achieve things others believe are impossible.

Attitude is squared in our equation because of its importance. Often times a terrific attitude can overcome lack of experience, preparation and persistence. While all elements in the equation are important, an outstanding attitude can make up for deficiencies in other areas. A Harvard study concluded that 85% of all promotions in a company are directly related to the employee having a positive attitude. That is powerful information.

When thinking about what to do to be successful, we need only remember:


Zig Ziglar is fond of saying, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Confidence will come to us through experience, preparation, persistence and a great attitude. This will enable us to help others get what they want and in turn get everything that we want out of life.

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