“Utilidad” – Reflexión para el sábado
To Thine Own Self Be True – William Shakespeare
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Like a Candle
Like a candle which flickers and fades
So too will fall our final shade
Ignited with bright light from the onset
The wind challenges us from the start
While some gusts take us to the test,
Through it all we hold tight and fast
In thick and thin we remain strong
Keeping right and avoiding wrong
Though too will set our final sun
And we too will finally succumb
Definition of succumb:
1. fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force).
2. die from the effect of a disease or injury.
“Iniciativa” – Reflexión para el jueves
Mañana y Mañana y Mañana por Guillermo Shakespeare
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“Initiative” – Reflection for Thursday
“Billy’s Bounce” – George Benson
Gracias a mi amigo Julio para la idea de colocar música…
Do you like the music?
“Deseo” – Reflexión para el domingo
Mi mensaje para ti… #19 MI VIDA ES AHORA
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“Desire” – Reflection for Sunday