Lunar Letter / Canine Instinct

The more complicated life gets, the more we should do our best to simplify it. Sometimes the most elegant solutions are the easiest. Let’s take a look for a moment at how pets behave, specifically a dog which seems to know by instinct exactly how to make us feel better.

Could this be why they call a dog “man’s best friend”?

There is so much we can learn from this simple creature which instinctively knows how to achieve its objective. In general, they are always happy to see us, greet us enthusiastically, are attentive and are happy to be with us even in our deepest and darkest moments.

Can you say the same about your behavior with friends and colleagues?

How about integrating the following characteristics which come so naturally to dogs into our way of being?


Enthusiasm sells in every sense of the word. Others perceive our energy through the way we act. It isn’t necessary to speak a lot or to speak loudly to be enthusiastic. On the contrary, there is much to be said for quiet enthusiasm which bubbles and exudes from inside of those who really enjoy what they do.

If we aren’t sure how much enthusiasm we should show, in almost all cases, it is better to err on the side of too much enthusiasm rather than not enough. Besides, and as an added benefit, our enthusiasm is contagious. The more enthusiastic we are about our work and about life in general, the more enthusiastic those around us become.


John Maxwell tells us, “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Of the more than 7 billion people who currently inhabit the planet Earth, each should have one primary objective, their survival. Even if we care about and want to help others, we must first be satisfied and content with ourselves.

To get others to show more interest in us, we can first show sincere interest in them. When someone feels we are attentive and sensitive to their way of thinking and to their interests, they automatically become more interested in us. If we want others to pay more attention to us, we simply need to pay more attention to them.


Someone who inspires confidence can inspire the world. When we say we are going to do something, let’s do it. It’s not so complicated and the dividends paid can be tremendous.

Obviously, it isn’t always possible to do absolutely everything we promise. If we are frequently unable to abide by what we pledge, we need to first examine the promises we are making. When we are unable to comply with something we have promised for whatever reason, it’s better to take responsibility, accept the consequences and move on. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. The great man is not one who never fails, rather one who takes responsibility for what happens and learns from the experience.

Life doesn’t have to be so difficult and it can be quite easy. We can follow the example of dogs who are instinctively enthusiastic, attentive and trustworthy. It’s an excellent way to put our best foot forward, be more for others, and achieve much more.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Clean it, Fix it, or Pitch it

While the phenomenon of “too much stuff” might be a blessing for some, it can be a curse for others. Many of us have a tendency to want to save everything. It is as if our mind says, “Better keep it because we may never get the opportunity to get one just like it.” This way of thinking might be good with regards to our best friend, our mate or for precious stones; though it isn’t the case for everything.

Our environment is a reflection of who we are and while it may be nice to have a lot of “stuff,” it isn’t always desirable.

How many papers do we save for when we have “time” to read them?

How many things which don’t work do we keep so we can fix them “someday”?

The time and the day can be right now. Where you happen to be in this instant may be clean and bright or dirty and dismal. Likely, it is somewhere in between these two extremes.

Right now in this moment, whether it be your workspace, your desk at home, your kitchen, your bedroom or someplace in between, take a moment to look around. Is it exactly how you would like to be? If the answer is yes, then I congratulate you and there is nothing to do. For the rest of us who are merely mortal, there is almost always something that can be improved.

There are many reasons why we may not like where we are. It could be because it lacks something. If this is the case, stop reading right now, get to work and make some money to buy what you want to make it better.

Another alternative is that you like the space though with time it has lost its initial glow. Perhaps it is broken or useless.

To start this new year, we can implement the philosophy of clean it, fix it or pitch it.

If it’s dirty, clean it…

As easy as this sounds, it isn’t one day of dust that causes something to go bad, rather many days of neglect which eventually take its toll. With a little soap and a lot of elbow grease, we can soon have it shining again. While it may not get to the same level of luster it once had, it can certainly look much better.

If it doesn’t work, fix it…

In some cases and, well armed with a trusty screwdriver and wrench, we can fix many things. Sometimes, it is merely a matter of changing a light bulb or a replacing a battery. One thing is for sure, if we don’t do something about getting it fixed, it seldom fixes itself. If we can’t fix it, more than likely someone else can. If it doesn’t make sense to fix it for any one of a variety of very good reasons, it’s useless.

If it’s useless, pitch it…

If we haven’t used something in the past year, more than likely we do not need it to live. If it no longer works for what we bought it for, if it’s too old, out of style or we have another one which is better, it’s preferable to pitch it. While some things can go directly to the trash, others can be given to people who can and will find good use for them.

In our desire to continually improve our surroundings, we often complicate our lives. Things do not have to be so difficult and can actually be quite easy. All we have to do to get started is…

Clean it, fix it or pitch it.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Cope with Hope

When we cope with hope, we have more energy to face each day…

Difficulty and challenge lurk in every nook and cranny. While the majority of us know it is not the circumstances, rather our reaction to them which is most important, it isn’t so easy to always keep faith. When hope slips away, it’s difficult to keep motivated and inspired.

How then can we maintain hope when we are in the depths of despair?

While we are all different and we each have a different way, there are various methods to increase our hope when we need it most.

Perhaps one of the ways which is most utilized and most powerful is through our faith in God or through our religion. While this isn’t a surefire recipe and it doesn’t work for everyone, for those who believe firmly in God and their religion, there is a peace and tranquility which permits them to face even the most challenging of circumstance in life. They say, “Faith moves mountains,” and while it isn’t easy to see them move, they do indeed move.

Another way to augment our hope is to think about the “perfection” of the “imperfect” world in which we all live. The only thing we have to do is to open our eyes to see the magnificence which develops with each new day; the sun which without fail provides its light and energy, the Earth which continues to turn every 24 hours despite everything that happens on its surface and the life which sprouts from everywhere to provide oxygen to breathe and beauty to behold.

Hope is perhaps our most powerful weapon to face adversity. Think for a moment of those who lose hope. In the best case scenario, they live lives which are empty and routine, lacking direction and purpose. In the worst case scenario, and in an act which embodies a complete lack of hope, they take their own lives and perhaps end up at the end of a rope.

We begin life fighting for our first breath of air to begin our journey. Each time we get sick our body immediately begins to fight the maladies and the viruses which exist in the world. When our body cannot respond effectively, the majority of us have parents, family, friends, doctors and others who do everything possible to help us recover from what puts our life in jeopardy.

We come from the factory with a sensational system which allows us to fight the majority of the bad things which can affect us from time to time. Being this the case, shouldn’t we have faith and hope in the possibilities of life? While the answer seems obvious, we all have a potential enemy in our own brain. Our mind can conspire against us to create tales of terror.

While nobody and nothing lasts forever, we can be sure tomorrow will come with our without us. Putting hope on the positive balance of life helps us to cope so we may rise and rally in the face of adversity.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / It Ain’t Over till it’s Over

Though it is normal for us to think everything is “over” and our lives will never be the same after a particularly difficult blow, the truth is, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”  While these words from the great philosopher Yogi Berra are well known to many throughout the world with regards to sports, they also apply to life.

There are many things in life which can knock us off course, such as:

  • Losing our job
  • Being in a toxic relationship
  • Having a poor relationship with our kids or parents
  • Losing someone dear to us through death or other circumstances of life

No one likes to go through these situations, yet they occur more frequently than we would like. The phrase, “It ain’t over till it’s over,” can help us in times of anguish and desperation.

In order to know our game of life has not “ended” we need only see people who have:

  • Discovered their true direction and their own special gift late in life
  • Found their soul mate after others have told them it would never happen
  • Healed the wounds and improved troubled relationships with their children and parents
  • Learned that absolutely everything in life has a beginning and an end

Though we frequently hear the words, “Don’t worry, everything will be alright…” The truth is everything will NOT be alright unless we get up and take action. Difficulties in life don’t tend to resolve themselves. The more we wait, typically the worse it gets. I’m not being negative or critical, rather realistic. There are many situations in life which shake us physically, emotionally and financially. Until we understand it ain’t over till it’s over, we can get lost in a pool of self pity.

Each day we rise with another opportunity to take the rudder of life and direct our destiny. It doesn’t matter what has happened or what we have lived through, the fresh dew of another dawn promises another day to live and start again. Life has no favorites, though it does reward those who are bold in though and action. On us it depends what we will do with each moment. With each day we can say, “I will sit and stay,” or, “I will get up and make my own way.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / What’s most Important

“What should I know about life which is most important?” The disciple asked the master.

The master smiled and said, “It is better for you to look for and find the answer through own experience,” he began. “I want you to go out into the world and find what is most important and bring me your answer in five years.”

After five years, the disciple came and placed ten books in front of the master. I have condensed what I believe to be what is most important in these ten books.”

The master took one of them and passed his fingers lightly over the fine leather which enclosed the words of wisdom within. He opened it and glanced through the pages. “You have done very good son, and I promise I will read each of these volumes with love and attention but it’s too much information. I want you to go back into the world and return with something more concise.”

The disciple obeyed and after five years returned and this time placed one book in front of the master who opened it and began reading in several places. He smiled and commented, “Again you have done an excellent job my son and with the little I have read so far, I see you have learned well and have discovered much about life and what is important. Nevertheless, it’s still too much information. I want you to be even more precise. You know what to do…”

Five years later he came once again and this time carefully placed a single sheet of paper before the master who lifted the page and read it carefully. After reading it, he smiled and said, “You have learned much and are getting close to the answer.”

Now visibly upset, the disciple answered, “Getting close? How can it be that you are still not satisfied? What should I do?”

“I want you to condense what is most important in life into one word,” answered the master again with a smile.

Five years later the disciple, who had become very successful, came and told the master, “I believe I have the answer master.”

“Tell me son, how did you discover the answer?” the master wanted to know.

“I came to the conclusion fairly quickly that the most important thing in life is to “Be Happy” but it was two words. Then after several years had passed, I thought of each of our conversations and found you had given me the answer from the very start. To be happy is directly related to our attitude and our attitude shows through our expression.

The master continued listening carefully to the explanation of his disciple.

“Master, the most important thing in life is to S M I L E.”

The master smiled and nodded in agreement…

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Fall in Love

When we are in love, everything changes; our posture, our expression and even our way of thinking. The sun seems brighter and challenges which at other times bother us seem insignificant. If you aren’t in love right now, my suggestion is simple…

Fall in love!

“How can I do this right now?” you might be asking. While we tend to think about romantic love or loving someone else, which is indeed marvelous, there are many types of love.

How about if…

You fall in love with each moment?

You fall in love with the air you breathe?

You fall in love with the breeze which refreshes?

You fall in love with the sun which rises every day?

You fall in love with the birds which sing in the morning?

You fall in love with the beauty of the flowers around you?

You fall in love with what bothers you for what you can learn?

You fall in love with each challenge which causes you use your mind?

You fall in love with the heat which warms and the cold which refreshes?

You fall in love with the traffic because it means you have something to do?

You fall in love with the people who irritate you because it means you are alive?

While it is easy to fall in love with the things and people we like, when we are able to fall in love with everything, we can live in peace and harmony. Life isn’t always lovely and beautiful. From our first breath to our last we must overcome challenge.

Every living being must fight to survive and exist in some way, shape or form. Those who succeed not only in overcoming but also in learning from each obstacle are those which flourish and prosper. When we change the way we look at everything that happens in life, we can stop fighting and start flowing.

Fall in love with life!

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / The Same but Different

Have you ever noticed we are exactly the same but different?

Biologically we have exactly the same molecular structure, though emotionally we are all very different. The vast majority of us are born with one heart, two lungs and a brain, along with the opportunity to breathe and live each day, though here the similarities stop.

Emotionally, we are the result of our environment and the people who raised us. What we feel and think is the result of our experience. It is impossible for us to make a decision based on the experience of another. We can consult and ask others for information but in the end it’s our perception which forms the foundation for our decisions.

Frequently we say, “You are wrong,” or, “That isn’t done that way!” In our mind we are right and we wouldn’t say such things if they didn’t form an integral part of our belief system. Nevertheless, are we always right? Do we always know the best way to do something? Obviously, this is not the case.

As we reflect on the fact that we are simply one more in the mass of humanity, the thought is humbling. There are more than 6.9 billion people on Earth and each has a particular way of seeing the world. Some are newborn babies just starting out in life while others are on their last steps of existence as we know it. We are all special and are all the result of the magical process which gives us life.

Though we know this to be true and instinctively know it makes sense, we get caught up with other people who think and act in a way different from our own. We often get hung up emotionally when someone doesn’t agree with our particular vision of the world.

Why is this important?

When we realize the world does not revolve around us and find there are different ways of seeing and analyzing things. We realize there is no limit to the number of different ways to accomplish any task or objective. We realize the physical and emotional needs of others frequently go far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. We realize that for every person who goes to bed hungry for food, there are thousands who go to bed hungry for attention and affection. We realize our ability to positively influence others is infinite.

Life is far too short to limit ourselves to our own personal experience and perception. Thanks to technological advancements, we can communicate with anyone in the world in an instant. We can be the impetus which makes a tremendous difference in someone’s life. When we rid ourselves of our natural tendency to focus on our own problems and challenges, we open up a world of possibilities to be something exceptional for someone special rather than being just one more in the mass of humanity.

∞ Rob McBride ∞


Lunar Letter / Seeds of Success

The power of thought goes far beyond what we can imagine. Our mind obeys the instructions we give it. In the late 1980’s I heard an audio program which touched a fiber deep within my soul. The words permeated my thought and my actions. At the time I didn’t know the author of the words or the voice I listened to. I transcribed the words from the audio and read them for years every day.

Years after first hearing the audio, I was in the airport in Maracaibo, Venezuela looking at a book. The words suddenly leaped off the page at me! While I had only heard and read the words in English, there was no doubt in my mind they were the same words. The name of the book is “MISSION SUCCESS by Og Mandino.” I happily bought the book which contained the words which had made such a huge impact in my life. It is my great pleasure to share these words with you at this link:

“Seeds of Success” by Og Mandino

From my experience with Mr. Mandino’s words, along with those of many others, I am convinced more and more each day of the power of words. A conversation at a specific moment in time can change our lives. Warm caring words can make all the difference in a time of anguish and desperation. Words which are part of our daily lives mold our mind. Negative thoughts bring negative results. Positive thoughts bring positive results. It is life’s law, what we sow, we harvest.

Though in reality, not everything is quite so warm and fuzzy. Hunger, death, injustice and insecurity form an integral part of our existence. It isn’t possible or realistic to simply say these things aren’t there, because they are constantly with us. Nevertheless, for as bad as our current situation may be, we can be sure someone else is going through something even more traumatic somewhere, someplace.

With so much negativity in the world, it is even more important to take care of our thoughts. Words of hope allow us to see life in new and different way. In my own moments of desolation and despair, “Seeds of Success” were always with me like a faithful friend to shine a bright light and to which I could cling with all of my might.

On November 6th 2010, I began to publish a thought a day which I call “Seeds of Success” in honor of the words which have helped me so much over the years. While the ideas of the world are universal and have no owner, my aim is to express each thought in a unique way. I dedicate each “Seed of Success” to Mr. Mandino and everyone else who has influenced me in a positive way when I needed it most by giving me the push I so desperately needed to rise and rally rather than fall and fail.

The words in our vocabulary, the images in our mind and the ideas in our soul are the seeds we sow daily. To harvest tales of love and success, we need only sow seeds of wisdom and positivity. By impregnating our mind with marvelous messages, we can make magic.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
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