Lunar Letter / The Magic of Goals

Something magical happens when we establish a goal. Our mind flies with the imagination of what our future could be. Think about it for a moment. All we have today was at one time simply a thought or a desire.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” ~ James Allen

Although sometimes we think we don’t have so much, the reality is we have an abundance. In terms of material goods, absolutely everything of value first began as an idea. We wanted a bicycle and we began talking about having one and dreaming about it. In time, and frequently with a lot of perseverance, we have acquired a great many things. Others have been more elusive.

Emotionally, the same is true because everything begins with a desire. Though love from our parents generally comes unconditionally, the same isn’t the case with everyone else. Our effort and actions have created the relationships we have today. We wanted to meet someone and did everything we could to be close to them, though granted things didn’t always turn out as we wanted.

Now think of all the things you don’t have and have never thought of having. The list is long. Of most interest is that without first thinking about and wanting something, it is impossible to have. This doesn’t mean that if we want a helicopter we will automatically get one, but the probability of getting one is much greater if we first sow the seed of thought in our mind. For example, we can bring what is imaginary closer to reality by drawing a picture in our mind of the exact model and color of the helicopter we want.

Instead of being reserved and guarded with our desires, let’s open our minds to all life has to offer.

How does someone buy an island?

How does another person find his or her soul mate?

People who have purchased an island first made up their minds to do so. Then they found out which were available and what they needed to do to achieve their objective. People who have found their soul mates first planted the seed of desire, made a mental or written inventory of the characteristics of the person they were looking for. In both cases they then took action to achieve their objectives.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney

Everything begins in our imagination and this is the Magic of goals. It isn’t possible to have something we have never dreamed of or desired. After having a clear concise objective in our mind, we can begin to work diligently day in and day out with courage, passion and drive. In time, and with tenacity, we can make what we imagine come true. When we dare to dream, suddenly there will appear a bright shining beam to show us the way.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 49

Lunar Letter / Three at a Time

We tend to have a seemingly unlimited number of tasks and activities to do every day. The question is…
What can we do to be more effective?

We can take three at a time in order to age like a fine wine.

With so many things to do, we often drown in the complexity and extent of all we need to do. We can be “busy” all day, yet get home and feel as if we have accomplished nothing.

To avoid this sinking feeling, we can take three at a time. This idea comes from one of the all time classic time management techniques proposed by Ivy Lee to Dale Carnegie, many years ago.

I have made a few adjustments to the process to make it easier.  The only thing we need to start is a blank notepad. While any size will work, the pocket size is convenient and practical.

The first step is to go to the last page of the pad and write “Work” at the top of the page. Then list everything which needs to be done relating to work without regard to priority. The most important and the seemingly insignificant items should all be written down. Then on the next blank page, going from the back to the front, we put “Personal” at the top of the page. We then list everything we need to do which doesn’t directly deal with work. Other pages can be used for special projects or interests if necessary. As new items arise, we place them on the appropriate list or make a new list.

This first phase is essential to feel “in control” of all we need to do. One of the worst sensations we can have to “have forgotten something.” Having everything in one place allows us to write it down and forget it knowing we can always refer to it at any given time. By having it in a notepad, we avoid having to be close to a computer or look at our phone or electronic agenda which isn’t always possible or convenient.

Before leaving work or going to bed, we review our lists and cross out the items we have completed, or no longer apply. We choose the three most important tasks which need to be done the following day and list them on the first page of the pad without regard to priority. You may now be thinking, “I don’t have just three things which are important, I have thousands!” While this may be the case, there are three which are more important than all the rest at this time. Tomorrow there maybe three entirely different items, but today we will concentrate on just three at a time.

The next day, after we have allowed our minds to consider these three items overnight, we prioritize each by putting the #1 next to the most important item, then the #2 alongside the next and the #3 next to the least important of the three. When we start our day, we start only with #1 without looking and, if possible, without thinking about all the other things we need to do. Until we finish #1, or are inhibited for some reason in its progress, we don’t move on to #2. If we are interrupted, we take care of the interruption and then get back to the activity we were working on.

If we only complete the most important task during the day, we will have had a successful day. If we do all three, terrific! If we complete all three and/or are unable to work on our three most important items, we have everything else we need to do at hand in the last pages of our notepad.

We live our lives day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. Tomorrow will come when it comes with or without us. Our “inbox of life” will never ever be empty. When we direct our attention to the most important tasks we need to complete today, we live a life of intention and direction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 48

Lunar Letter / A New Beginning

Each day can be a new beginning professionally, personally and emotionally. The words written in our book of life to date influence, but do not determine the rest of our story. Each day we write the words shaping the plot. As we close the doors of our business daily and then later close our eyes to go to sleep, we put a period at the end of that day’s entry. The next day it depends on us if we continue on with the same chapter, or start a new one.

If all is going well in our tale, by all means let’s continue on and finish the part we are on. Yet regardless, to keep moving forward it is necessary to learn and grow. Even the best road can become difficult to follow if we do not renew and improve. The first phrase we start with tomorrow can take into account the successes we have had to date, as we seek to remain on the cutting edge of our profession, while also being in control of our personal lives and emotions.

If we find our tale is not as we want it, it is preferable to start a new chapter. The scope and nature of the change in our story depends on the magnitude of the adjustment we desire. If we only require small modifications we can continue with the same story line, and if not, perhaps it’s best to go in a completely different direction..

In the same way an author creates an adventure with his words, we also create our own story of life with actions we take each day.

How is your professional, personal, and emotional story of life going?

Are you achieving all you want and in the way you want to accomplish it?

If your answer is affirmative, simply continue the story line from yesterday making only small adjustments to keep going in the same direction. If the answer is negative, today is the best time to put a period on what once was and start an entirely new chapter in life.

How can we do this?

One of the best ways to initiate a new beginning is to change our habits. What we have done day in and day out is what has brought us to where we are today. When we modify our actions, we modify our results. We all have positive and negative habits. When we reinforce those which lead us to what we desire and diminish those which take us farther away, we begin to slowly modify our direction and determine our destiny.

Life will eventually place the final period on our story of life. Meanwhile, we can do everything possible to create the tale we want. When we live with decision and intention, we integrate what we value into our book of life and diminish what we detest. Today can be a new beginning to achieve what we have always aspired and desired.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 47

Lunar Letter / A Beginning and an End

Everything has a beginning and everything has an end, the time in between, on us depends. Time is always relative. In some cases it is measured in minutes or days, in others in years, decades or even billions of years. When we understand nothing lasts forever, we realize the only thing which truly exists is this instant. The past is a distant memory, the future an unfulfilled promise and this moment a special gift.

Frequently, we are bothered when something comes to an “end.” It could be something material which breaks or is ruined. It could be a relationship which dissolves or even a loved one who takes his or her last breath. While none of these circumstances are pleasant or desired, they most certainly will come. Though we may not want for something or someone to come to an end, with or without our consent, it will happen.

In the great scheme of things, we are like drops of water in the ocean. Each of us is one person of more than six billion people on the planet. While we each do our best to live and enjoy each moment in life, we are simply one more in the mass of humanity.

The earth and our solar system have been around for approximately 4.5 billion years and, it is estimated will last another 4.5 billion years. Depending on our circumstances and where we are born we may, with good or bad luck as the case may be, live perhaps 100 years. The “drops of time” which we each have are indeed precious and should be treated as such.

It’s not reasonable to want something to end. Losing something is bothersome. Losing someone close is one of the most difficult times we will face. Nevertheless, we can see life as if it were a river flowing through the mountains. A river which starts in the depths of the earth until finally coming forth through the surface.  Then as it continues its course, it encounters and surpasses thousands of obstacles in its path, until it finally reaches its destiny.

Similarly, we are born from the depths of creation and come forth to follow our own course with an endless number of obstacles along the way. We can resist and fight against each challenge and loss or we can simply flow and go through all which comes our way. Whether or not we approve, the world will continue turning and life will continue in some way, shape or form.

It’s unlikely we will be able to cure all the maladies of the world, and less likely we can cause those things which we like, and those people whom we love to last forever. The answer lies not in changing the nature of life, time or the universe, rather in adapting, resolving and giving our best to live happy and healthy lives.

Happiness does not depend on never facing sadness or sorrow, rather on accepting them with courage and understanding so we make take advantage of each moment in this spectacular journey we call life. The minutes, hours and days will continue with or without us. Instead of lamenting and fearing what most certainly will be, we can instead do all we can to rejoice in this instant, taking pleasure in the present  and reveling in the memories of magical moments that last a lifetime.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 46


Lunar Letter / Action to Thought

In the magic of our mind we can create spectacular scenarios. The key to making these dreams come true is to convert thought into action. Normally, we know what we want and even know what we need to do to achieve it. The difference between accomplishing what we most desire and simply a nice thought is to apply action to thought.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney

This doesn’t have to be so difficult. Thinking of all we need to do in order to reach a specific objective can be overwhelming though it doesn’t have to be so complicated. To bring action to thought, it is essential to determine the steps necessary to begin our journey. A pen and a paper can set the wheels in motion. To achieve what the magic in our mind imagines, we must be disciplined, clear and persistent.

We have to put the “pedal to the metal” to jump start our internal engine. It’s much easier to remain in the fantasy of what might be rather than doing what needs to be done to make it a reality. Playing the mental game of, “What will be of me?” will lead only to the result of, “It is not for me to be!” We can make excuses or we can be disciplined to bring action to thought, both cannot be done at the same time.

The clearer our objectives, the easier it is to achieve them. How would a soccer game be with no goal or a basketball game with no basket? Without a clearly defined goal, it is difficult to complete what our mind creates. Someone may ask us, “How much farther do I have to go?” To which we may reply, “Where are you going?” If they answer, “I don’t know,” we can in turn respond, “Then you have already arrived.”

To quote one of the legends in profound thought, Yogi Berra says…

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up someplace else.”

In order not to “wind up someplace else,” it’s fundamental to be clear in what we want.

When we are on well on our way to what we desire, we must be very persistent so as not to get sidetracked on the way. Napoleon Hill, a pioneer in personal development, expressed it this way…

“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”

If everything were so easy, we would all have what we want right now. To get to “great,” we must act “greatly.” We all have a tendency to take the path of least resistance because it is much easier to go that way. For this reason, to become a shining star in the dark of the night instead of just one more in the mass of humanity it’s necessary to be persistent in putting action to thought.

The difference between dreaming and achieving is the action we take to corral our imagination and take specific steps to make it happen. Our minds are marvelous machines which can create incredible images about what we want and how we want to live. Those who achieve greatness are those who first create their burning desire in their mind and then put action to thought.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 45


Lunar Letter / Getting to “How”

We generally know “what” we want. “How” to achieve it, is a different story. At this time of the year we tend to review what has worked well for us and set our minds on doing better in the future. It’s only natural for us to want “more” in life, though this “more” varies greatly for each of us. Following are some examples of what we may want:

MORE love

MORE money

MORE prestige

MORE peace and harmony

BETTER transportation

BETTER relationships

A BETTER house


What we want comes easily. How to get what we want is more elusive and requires more thought. Fortunately, we can cut any objective into smaller pieces to better determine how to achieve it.

For example, one thing many of us want is more money. “How” to earn more money tends to be fairly simple though not always easy. We simply need to “sell” more of what we offer to the world.

You may be thinking, “I don’t sell anything.” Though initially this may seem to be the case, we all sell something. We sell ourselves every day. We sell our capacity to be a good employee. We sell our ability to be a good friend. We sell the fact we are a good colleague. We sell our capability to be good parents. We are constantly selling. If we want more, we need only sell more!

Here is another example. Let us suppose, what we want is to have a better business relationship with each of our clients to increase our profitability with them. While there are many ways to achieve this, we can start with this question. What does our client really want? Some of the answers might be:

Better attention

Better payment terms

Technical expertise to optimize the use of our product

A product or service which better satisfies their specific needs
With these answers we can begin to create new strategies to provide them with better service, more favorable payment terms, technical support and products which better meet their specific needs. While it’s quite possible we cannot directly influence or provide each of these elements, this process leads us to focus on “how” to give them what they want so we in turn can get what we want.

“How” to achieve any objective depends on each individual and there isn’t a magic answer which works for everyone. One of the most wonderful things about life is that we are all different and there are indeed many means to achieve our objectives. When we clarify “what” we want, we can then determine “how” to achieve it and implement a plan daily to give direction to our destiny.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 44


Lunar Letter / Rocks in the Road

It’s not the rocks in the road, rather what we do with them which makes a tremendous difference in our lives. Obstacles impede some people while they empower others. We can see rocks in the road as barriers to avoid or as opportunities to grasp. When we use the stones in our path as building blocks rather than hindrances. We can ascend rather than descend.

It’s common to believe the difficulties of life inhibit our progress. Yet we see people who achieve great things in life are those who have encountered many rocks in the road and have been able to use them to build, rather than fall under their weight.

When we reflect on our own life, the moments of which we are proudest tend to be those when we encountered and overcame challenge.

What are the stories our parents and grandparents tell?

Are they tales of comfort and convenience?

Or, of trial and tribulation?

The only time we truly have no obstacles is after we are dead. Each living thing must overcome adversity. It could be the need for more water, more sun, more nutrients, or more food. Something is always necessary and it’s the same for every living being. In some way, shape or form we must all move and shake in order to rise and fly.

Think for a moment of all the obstacles you have faced in your life. Some surely have been relatively easy, others particularly difficult. Some have been resolved, others are unresolved. Regardless, we rise with the dawn of each day and to continue to fight in our own way. The days, months and years slip through our fingers and somehow we continue despite all the rocks we encounter in the road.

There are only two alternatives for any challenge we currently face; we will resolve it satisfactorily or not. There is no other option. If we can use our marvelous mind to work it out to our satisfaction, then hallelujah. If not, we need to somehow adjust to the circumstances and carry on.

When we begin to see rocks in the road as an opportunity to get up and go, we can rise and continue. rocks in the road can inhibit or inspire. Each time we trip and fall, we determine our direction and build our character. Facing challenge is a sign we are truly alive. To achieve what we desire is not always easy, though it surely need not be so complex. Stone by stone, we can construct a stairway to heaven rather than to grovel on the ground.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 43


Lunar Letter / Good and Bad

The concept of Yin Yang captures the essence of what normally happens in life. In all that is good, there is a little bit of bad; and in all that is bad, there is a little bit of good. When we understand the best and worst of times will come to an end, we can look at life from a different perspective.

In the sea of dark

There is a spot of light

In the sea of light
There is a spot of dark

When we analyze our most memorable moments, they generally come from one of these two extremes, good or bad. Nevertheless, right now the great majority have changed in some way, shape or form. The most intense feeling of happiness has changed into something steady, or has disappeared completely. At the same time, the most uncomfortable circumstance has also diminished or been completely resolved.

The phrase, “The only thing constant is change,” promises each and every situation will change. Although the change is not always for the better in the moment, everything will indeed change for nothing stays the same forever. When we focus on what we can control, we influence the intensity and frequency of the majority of what happens in life.

If we are happy and content, we know change will come. The magnitude and direction depends entirely on us. If we notice this pleasant sensation is diminishing, we can do everything possible to maintain the energy and positive vibration. Instead of lamenting what might possibly happen, we can construct an environment where our actions and attitudes steer us toward what we most desire.

If we are down and despondent, we know also change will come. If we keep doing the same things, and do nothing to improve the situation, things will more than likely get worse before they get better. On the contrary, if we begin to change what we do and how we do it, we begin to attain different results. While they may be the same or worse in the short term, with perseverance we will achieve new destinies.

What is “good” and “bad” depends not on what happens, rather on our interpretation of what happens. We can consider the good which comes from even the most difficult of circumstance. While not everything is rosy and bright, we can extend and magnify the magical moments in our lives. When clouds come to conceal the sun which previously shone upon us, we can find comfort knowing the same wind which brought the darkness will also whisk it away.

Life is to live and part of “living” is to take the good with the bad. When we do our best to accentuate the positive and diminish the negative, we begin to live with intention instead of slowly dying through distraction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 41