My message for you… #8 HAPPINESS

#8  “I will remain aware of how little it takes to make this a happy day. Never will I pursue happiness, because it is not a goal, just a by-product, and there is no happiness in having or in getting, only in giving.” – Og Mandino

Nice to have you back for this day, since the #8  is my favorite day…

Are you aware of how little it takes to make this a happy day?

Happiness truly does come in giving, and in giving you these words today, my day is complete.

How are you doing at giving of yourself to others?

We normally think about giving “things” to other people, but how about giving of ourselves to others, and giving them our most important asset, which is our time.

In order to get, we need simply give, it’s as simple as that…

To round off today’s lesson is just a quick reminder of one way to memorize any “list” of things you might want to memorize.  In this case, it can be memorizing the Seeds of Success by Og Mandino.

Take the number of each seed and relate it to something which has meaning for you.  For example, I remember the first few seeds with the following links:

1: GOD





Make something which works for you, make the seeds yours, and when you have them memorized, and you implement them into your life, magical things will happen…

In the meantime, make it a great day!

My message for you… #9 FAITH


#9  “I will run from no danger I might encounter today, because I am certain that nothing will happen to me that I am not equipped to handle with your help. Just as any gem is polished by friction, I am certain to become more valuable through this day’s adversities, and if you close one door, you always open another for me.”  – Og Mandino

Hello there, and welcome back…

Today’s message is about faith.  While it is one of the largest, and admittedly one of the most difficult to memorize for me, it is perhaps the one seed which can most help us when we need a shot of encouragement to continue forward.

While the scope and extent of your faith likely differs from mine, most important is to have some kind of faith in something…

When we get right with our faith, we are right with the world and ourselves.

Make this day your day, and…

Make it a rocking great day!

My message for you… #10 BE A GIVER OF GIFTS

#10  “I will live this day as if it were Christmas. I will be a giver of gifts and deliver to my enemies the gift of forgiveness; my opponents, tolerance; my friends, a smile and my children, a good example, and every gift will be wrapped with unconditional love.”  – Og Mandino

So nice to have you here with me…

This is one of my very favorite seeds.  When we give gifts, we receive the bounty life has to give in return.  If we want to receive more, we need only give more, just as we saw in seed #8.

When we give the give of forgiveness to our enemies, we are the ones who benefit the most.

When we give the gift of tolerance to our opponents, petty annoyances become easier to handle.

When we give our friends a smile, though we may need to toil, we can always go another mile.

And, when we give our children a good example, the gifts we receive in life are much more ample.

Wrap every gift you give with love and life will fit like a nice snug glove…


My message for you… #11 SOW SEEDS

#11  “I will waste not even a precious second today in anger or hate or jealousy or selfishness. I know that the seeds I sow, I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day.”  – Og Mandino

Nice to have you here again…

Today’s message can help us to focus on what is truly important and make sure we plant good seeds, as Master Og, so aptly states…

Do you ever feel anger or hatred?

How about jealousy or selfishness?

Of course you do, you see, I know you…

While it is natural to feel these emotions, I have a question for you:

What good does it do to feel angry, hateful, jealous, or selfish?

Does it do you any good to be angry at someone who may not even know we exist, or give us a second thought?

Will any amount of hatred fix a wrong?

Can any amount of jealousy make our mate happy?

Will being selfish serve you in the long-term, or is it just a quick fix?

Rather than spending our time worrying about meaningless emotions, instead we can concentrate on planting good seeds this day.

Instead of being mad, we can be glad.

Instead of hating someone, we can love everyone.

Instead of being jealous for our mate’s lack of interest, we can create interest.

Instead of being selfish and thinking always about ourselves, we can instead think of others.

As we will see later in seed #17, “Life is a looking glass,” and it does indeed, “give us back a reflection of our own soul.”  We get what we give, what we sow, we shall harvest.

Instead of letting petty problems permeate our thoughts, we can instead spread seeds of love and happiness to create a garden worthy of admiration.

While not all of the seeds we sow will grow, some will…

* I want to thank you for joining me this far in our journey, we are a little more than half-way through.

** Since I have two trips coming up, a large conference I am giving, the launch for my next book, and my youngest daughter’s wedding during the next month, I will take a break here from my messages for you, but just for now…

*** I will be back in about 28 days, to finish up my work here with you, because you see, we are not through.  In the meantime, memorize the words, repeat them daily, and live them fully.  This is not an “adios,” rather an “hasta luego”…

I’ll see you on the other side… : )

My message for you… #12 PLAY LIFE WELL

#12  I will treat today as a priceless violin. One may draw harmony from it and another, discord, yet no one will blame the instrument. Life is the same, and if I play it correctly, it will give forth beauty, but if I play it ignorantly, it will produce ugliness.

Welcome back…

It’s nice to have you here again…

Have you ever thought of life as a priceless instrument?

Think of the people you know.  Surely, some of them play life well, while others play it poorly.

Why does one person receive love and abundance, while another receives hatred and scarcity?

It has to do with how we play life.  To play the “instrument” of life well, we must learn all we can about it and practice before we can truly play it well.

Some people study an instrument an entire lifetime to be able to create a beautiful harmony.  Every single day is a gift from God which we can play well, to bring forth beauty; or play it poorly, to produce ugliness.

Let’s choose beauty over ugliness.

PS  You can see ALL of “My Messages For You” at this link:

My message for you… #13 PROBLEMS ARE PEBBLES

#13  I will condition myself to look on every problem I encounter today as no more than a pebble in my shoe. I remember the pain, so harsh I could hardly walk, and recall my surprise when I removed my shoe and found only a grain of sand.”

~ Og Mandino

Nice to have you here again, or for the first time, as the case may be.

If you would like to start with my first Message to you, you can go here:

And you can see all of my Messages to you here:

Do you doubt for a moment that the most difficult circumstance will tomorrow appear to have been but a pebble in your shoe?

When we condition ourselves to see problems as mere hindrances in our path, we can achieve much more.

This is a great seed to come back to when life seems to be a bit overwhelming.

Make it a great day!

My message for you… #14 ENTHUSIASM

#14  “I will work convinced that nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. To do anything today that is truly worth doing, I must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in with gusto and scramble through as well as I can.”

~ Og Mandino

Welcome back to this special day to talk about ENTHUSIASM.

Enthusiasm is that little extra we can put in everything we do to make each day a much better today.

We can be more enthusiastic in our relationships, in our work, in our hopes and in our dreams.

Rather than, “Standing back shivering and thinking of the cold and the danger, jump in with gusto,” as Og Mandino so wisely suggests.

When we give our very best effort, day in and day out, we achieve much more.

Make this day your day, and make it a great day!

My message for you… #15 GOALS

#15  “I will face the world with goals set for this day, but they will be attainable ones, not the vague, impossible variety declared by those who make a career of failure. I realize that you always try me with a little, first, to see what I would do with a lot.”

~ Og Mandino

Today our seed deals with setting and achieving goals.

One of the definitions I heard about success many years ago, still seems to hold true today.

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”  – Earl Nightingale

As long as we are moving toward something we desire, we have the fire inside we need to get up and go daily in a world which does not always welcome us with open arms.

If we are going to set goals, as Og Mandino says, let’s make sure they are achievable and not those who make a “habit of failure.”  When we said daily goals which are attainable we are able to achieve much more.

And, as he says at the end of this seed; God, the powers that be, whoever or whatever you believe is responsible for us being here, tests us daily with a little, to see what we would do with a lot.

Do a little today, and everuy day, and you will surely get a lot of whatever it is you want.
