Similar to a flickering flame in the wind, our moods can change in a heartbeat.
Keep yours up beat.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 29
Similar to a flickering flame in the wind, our moods can change in a heartbeat.
Keep yours up beat.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 29
As you walk along the road of life, enjoy each step, because they will take you to the other side.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 28
Take the opportunity today to help someone through their difficulty.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 27
Take the principal role in your theater of life, taking yourself to higher heights.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 26
Do what you can daily to be the best you can be.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 25
There are times when we flow with everything, as a river takes its course; and others when we get stuck on any little thing. Life brings with it different moments, ups and downs. Being able to experience each one of them means we are alive, and if not, their absence guarantees us a one-way ticket to our ultimate destiny. We will have moments when we want time to stretch into eternity, right there where we are; and then there will be others when the only thing we want to do is to get out of there as fast as possible. What is certain is that despite our decision, we must keep moving.
The world and the universe are in constant evolution. In a similar way, we as human beings are also always changing. Our body renews itself frequently; our hair skin, and organs are in a constant process of renovation. Even our cells vibrate with the energy of movement.
It’s tempting to consider taking a break, doing absolutely nothing, but comes a time when the mind begins to want something. What is certain is that we need to keep moving to stay alive. The person who stays at home, not even leaving to buy groceries, will soon die of hunger. The business owner who doesn’t seek new clients can go belly up, despite having the best solutions in his market. Love too dies if it is not renewed continually, with words and actions to express it.
When those times come when all we want to do is cover our head and stay sleeping for a good long while, it’s fine to do so from time to time, for a few hours, or perhaps in an extreme case for a full day, but then comes the time for us to get up and get moving.
The world doesn’t stand still and neither should we. If you are in a place you like to be right now, then do all you can to stay there; if not, do all you can do get there. In either case, both require energy and movement. In the same way the sun comes up on the horizon each morning and goes down on the other side every evening, we too have cycles of movement with which to comply.
Living well doesn’t mean we need to be constantly trying to get from here to there, nor does it depend on acquiring anything specific, but rather of being conscious that we must keep moving in our daily routine —like the earth on its constant journey—, and this will fill us with energy and happiness. Keeping moving keeps us safe and sound.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL IV 40
Beauty predominates on the outside when it shines on the inside.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 24
With the strong base of beliefs beneath us we may wobble but need not fall.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
SS VIII x 23