21 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will never hide my talents. If I am silent, I am forgotten, if I do not advance, I will fall back. If I walk away from any challenge today, my self-esteem will be forever scarred, and if I cease to grow, even a little, I will become smaller. I reject the stationary position because it is always the beginning of the end.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

Do you hide your talents? If so… Why?

Rob McBride

+58 414 328 6411

20 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will face the world with goals set for this day, but they will be attainable ones, not the vague, impossible variety declared by those who make a career of failure.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

What are your goals and objectives?

Rob McBride

+58 414 328 6411

18 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will condition myself to look on every problem I encounter today as no more than a pebble in my shoe. I remember the pain, so harsh I could hardly walk, and recall my surprise when I removed my shoe and found only a grain of sand.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

How can you convert rocks in the road into grains of sand ?

Rob McBride

+58 414 328 6411

17 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will treat today as a priceless violin. One may draw harmony from it and another, discord, yet no one will blame the instrument. Life is the same, and if I play it correctly, it will give forth beauty, but if I play it ignorantly, it will produce ugliness.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

How do you choose to “play” your life?

Rob McBride

PIN 22B04433

+58 414 328 6411

16 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

What seeds will you sow today?

Rob McBride

PIN 22B04433

+58 414 328 6411

15 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will live this day as if it were Christmas. I will be a giver of gifts and deliver to my enemies the gift of forgiveness; my opponents, tolerance; my friends, a smile; my children, a good example, and every gift will be wrapped with unconditional love.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

What “gifts” will you give today?

Rob McBride

PIN 22B04433

+58 414 328 6411

14 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“Just as any gem is polished by friction, I am certain to become more valuable through this day’s adversities.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

How do you view adversity, as a barrier or a bridge?

Rob McBride

PIN 22B04433

+58 414 328 6411

May you…

May you and yours be blessed with Health, Prosperity, and Wisdom to guide you thru the coming year.      



May you enjoy your apples and honey

May you find it easy to give and receive

May you know when to surrender, and do so with grace

May you remember that some people’s lives are parched dry… and be grateful for the abundance in yours

May you find beauty in unexpected places.

May you carry your loads with ease amid sweetness

May you learn and teach well.

May you move with as much joy and ease as you can

may your home be filled with fresh air and light

May your anxious times be short-lived…

so that you come back quickly to your comfortable ole‘ self

May you be startled and delighted by new beginnings

May you find your uniqueness

May you play with friends

and hear beautiful music

May you come to the surface for air when you need it

Rob McBride