13 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will remain aware of how little it takes to make this a happy day. Never will I pursue happiness, because it is not a goal, just a by-product, and there is no happiness in having or in getting, only in giving.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

What can you do to give more?

Rob McBride

PIN 22B04433

+58 414 328 6411

11 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will embrace today’s difficult tasks, take off my coat, and make dust in the world. I will remember that the busier I am, the less harm I am apt to suffer, the tastier will be my food, the sweeter my sleep, and the better satisfied I will be with my place in the world.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

What difficult task will you embrace today?

Rob McBride

PIN 22B04433 #:-s

+58 414 328 6411

Lunar Letter / It Ain’t Over till it’s Over

Though it is normal for us to think everything is “over” and our lives will never be the same after a particularly difficult blow, the truth is, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”  While these words from the great philosopher Yogi Berra are well known to many throughout the world with regards to sports, they also apply to life.

There are many things in life which can knock us off course, such as:

  • Losing our job
  • Being in a toxic relationship
  • Having a poor relationship with our kids or parents
  • Losing someone dear to us through death or other circumstances of life

No one likes to go through these situations, yet they occur more frequently than we would like. The phrase, “It ain’t over till it’s over,” can help us in times of anguish and desperation.

In order to know our game of life has not “ended” we need only see people who have:

  • Discovered their true direction and their own special gift late in life
  • Found their soul mate after others have told them it would never happen
  • Healed the wounds and improved troubled relationships with their children and parents
  • Learned that absolutely everything in life has a beginning and an end

Though we frequently hear the words, “Don’t worry, everything will be alright…” The truth is everything will NOT be alright unless we get up and take action. Difficulties in life don’t tend to resolve themselves. The more we wait, typically the worse it gets. I’m not being negative or critical, rather realistic. There are many situations in life which shake us physically, emotionally and financially. Until we understand it ain’t over till it’s over, we can get lost in a pool of self pity.

Each day we rise with another opportunity to take the rudder of life and direct our destiny. It doesn’t matter what has happened or what we have lived through, the fresh dew of another dawn promises another day to live and start again. Life has no favorites, though it does reward those who are bold in though and action. On us it depends what we will do with each moment. With each day we can say, “I will sit and stay,” or, “I will get up and make my own way.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

10 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“I will live as all good actors do when they are on stage – only in the moment. I cannot perform at my best today by regretting my previous act’s mistakes or worrying about the scene to come.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

If you were an actor, what would people say about how you act?

Rob McBride

+58 414 328 6411

09 Nov 2011

(09 Nov 2011)

Seeds of Success

“I will treasure this day, for it is all I have. I know that its rushing hours cannot be accumulated or stored, like precious grain, for future use..”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

What can you do today to treasure each moment?

Rob McBride

+58 414 328 6411

08 Nov 2011

(08 Nov 2011)

Seeds of Success

“My success and happiness do not depend on straining to see what lurks dimly on the horizon but to do this day what lies clearly at hand.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞


What can you do which “lies clearly at hand” to move you toward your dreams and objectives?

Rob McBride

BB PIN 22B04433

+58 414 328 6411

07 Nov 2011

One year ago I began publishing Seeds of Success. I’m pleased to share one years worth of “Seeds” in this link:


I would like to convert them into a calendar to offer to my clients and followers. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to best do so.

Over the next several days I will be sharing excerpts from “Seeds of Success” from Og Mandino which inspired me to share my own “Seeds.”

I welcome your thoughts and reflections…

(07 Nov 2011)

Seeds of Success

“I will forget yesterday, with all its trials and tribulations, aggravations and setbacks, angers and frustrations.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞

This is the only moment we have and it’s gone in an instant…

Enjoy it!

Rob McBride

0 414 328 6411

PIN 22B04433

06 Nov 2011

Seeds of Success

“God I thank you for this day. I know I have not accomplished as yet all you expect of me, and that is your reason for bathing me in the fresh few of another dawn, I am most grateful.”

∞ Og Mandino ∞