13 Sep 2011

Seeds of Success

“To change our direction we need moments of reflection.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

Lunar Letter / Fall in Love

When we are in love, everything changes; our posture, our expression and even our way of thinking. The sun seems brighter and challenges which at other times bother us seem insignificant. If you aren’t in love right now, my suggestion is simple…

Fall in love!

“How can I do this right now?” you might be asking. While we tend to think about romantic love or loving someone else, which is indeed marvelous, there are many types of love.

How about if…

You fall in love with each moment?

You fall in love with the air you breathe?

You fall in love with the breeze which refreshes?

You fall in love with the sun which rises every day?

You fall in love with the birds which sing in the morning?

You fall in love with the beauty of the flowers around you?

You fall in love with what bothers you for what you can learn?

You fall in love with each challenge which causes you use your mind?

You fall in love with the heat which warms and the cold which refreshes?

You fall in love with the traffic because it means you have something to do?

You fall in love with the people who irritate you because it means you are alive?

While it is easy to fall in love with the things and people we like, when we are able to fall in love with everything, we can live in peace and harmony. Life isn’t always lovely and beautiful. From our first breath to our last we must overcome challenge.

Every living being must fight to survive and exist in some way, shape or form. Those who succeed not only in overcoming but also in learning from each obstacle are those which flourish and prosper. When we change the way we look at everything that happens in life, we can stop fighting and start flowing.

Fall in love with life!

∞ Rob McBride ∞

12 Sep 2011

Seeds of Success

“When we change our way of looking at the world, we can stop fighting and start flowing.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

11 Sep 2011

Seeds of Success

“Up and over us better than down and out.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

10 Sep 2011

Seeds of Success

“Sometimes what counts most is to simply be taken into account.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

09 Sep 2011

Seeds of Success

“Action not intention is what gives our life direction.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

07 Sep 2011

Seeds of Success

“Through the dark of the night our goals can shine a bright brilliant light.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞

06 Sep 2011

Seeds of Success

“With a smile we spread a little sunshine and it’s the easiest way to be kind.”

∞ Rob McBride ∞