Seeds of Success
“It isn’t always necessary to ‘win’ to be a ‘winner’.”
~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“It isn’t always necessary to ‘win’ to be a ‘winner’.”
~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“Some come into our lives and stay, others come and go away, each is a part of who we are today.”
~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“We can build barriers to progress or bridges to success.”
~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“Life is not to detract and desist, rather to flourish and flow.”
~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“May the child we have inside confide and stay steady by our side.”
~ Rob McBride
Thank you very much for sharing your valuable experience…
It really means a lot to me. It motivates me to stay connected with my
‘positive thought’ as our seeds to sow everyday and so then to harvest what
we sowed tomorrow…
Terimakasih, gracias…
Seeds of Success
“In a strong wind, words of wisdom help us win.”
~ Rob McBride
The power of thought goes far beyond what we can imagine. Our mind obeys the instructions we give it. In the late 1980’s I heard an audio program which touched a fiber deep within my soul. The words permeated my thought and my actions. At the time I didn’t know the author of the words or the voice I listened to. I transcribed the words from the audio and read them for years every day.
Years after first hearing the audio, I was in the airport in Maracaibo, Venezuela looking at a book. The words suddenly leaped off the page at me! While I had only heard and read the words in English, there was no doubt in my mind they were the same words. The name of the book is “MISSION SUCCESS by Og Mandino.” I happily bought the book which contained the words which had made such a huge impact in my life. It is my great pleasure to share these words with you at this link:
“Seeds of Success” by Og Mandino
From my experience with Mr. Mandino’s words, along with those of many others, I am convinced more and more each day of the power of words. A conversation at a specific moment in time can change our lives. Warm caring words can make all the difference in a time of anguish and desperation. Words which are part of our daily lives mold our mind. Negative thoughts bring negative results. Positive thoughts bring positive results. It is life’s law, what we sow, we harvest.
Though in reality, not everything is quite so warm and fuzzy. Hunger, death, injustice and insecurity form an integral part of our existence. It isn’t possible or realistic to simply say these things aren’t there, because they are constantly with us. Nevertheless, for as bad as our current situation may be, we can be sure someone else is going through something even more traumatic somewhere, someplace.
With so much negativity in the world, it is even more important to take care of our thoughts. Words of hope allow us to see life in new and different way. In my own moments of desolation and despair, “Seeds of Success” were always with me like a faithful friend to shine a bright light and to which I could cling with all of my might.
On November 6th 2010, I began to publish a thought a day which I call “Seeds of Success” in honor of the words which have helped me so much over the years. While the ideas of the world are universal and have no owner, my aim is to express each thought in a unique way. I dedicate each “Seed of Success” to Mr. Mandino and everyone else who has influenced me in a positive way when I needed it most by giving me the push I so desperately needed to rise and rally rather than fall and fail.
The words in our vocabulary, the images in our mind and the ideas in our soul are the seeds we sow daily. To harvest tales of love and success, we need only sow seeds of wisdom and positivity. By impregnating our mind with marvelous messages, we can make magic.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
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