Seed of Success
“If there is a will there is a way, though we must be willing to stay the way.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“If there is a will there is a way, though we must be willing to stay the way.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“We can magnify or minimize circumstances; let’s enhance the positive and diminish the negative.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“Independence is a state of mind we can all find.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“Independence is sentiment not a document.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“He who is down and out has simply allowed his mind to pout.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“What goes around comes around and to our actions we are bound.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“Happiness depends on how we flow with what we know and not how we long for what is not.”
~ Rob McBride
Seed of Success
“The prize goes not to those who criticize, rather to those who with their own eyes can see through the lies.”
~ Rob McBride
BB PIN 22B04433