Lunar Letter / The Magic of Goals

Something magical happens when we establish a goal. Our mind flies with the imagination of what our future could be. Think about it for a moment. All we have today was at one time simply a thought or a desire.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” ~ James Allen

Although sometimes we think we don’t have so much, the reality is we have an abundance. In terms of material goods, absolutely everything of value first began as an idea. We wanted a bicycle and we began talking about having one and dreaming about it. In time, and frequently with a lot of perseverance, we have acquired a great many things. Others have been more elusive.

Emotionally, the same is true because everything begins with a desire. Though love from our parents generally comes unconditionally, the same isn’t the case with everyone else. Our effort and actions have created the relationships we have today. We wanted to meet someone and did everything we could to be close to them, though granted things didn’t always turn out as we wanted.

Now think of all the things you don’t have and have never thought of having. The list is long. Of most interest is that without first thinking about and wanting something, it is impossible to have. This doesn’t mean that if we want a helicopter we will automatically get one, but the probability of getting one is much greater if we first sow the seed of thought in our mind. For example, we can bring what is imaginary closer to reality by drawing a picture in our mind of the exact model and color of the helicopter we want.

Instead of being reserved and guarded with our desires, let’s open our minds to all life has to offer.

How does someone buy an island?

How does another person find his or her soul mate?

People who have purchased an island first made up their minds to do so. Then they found out which were available and what they needed to do to achieve their objective. People who have found their soul mates first planted the seed of desire, made a mental or written inventory of the characteristics of the person they were looking for. In both cases they then took action to achieve their objectives.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney

Everything begins in our imagination and this is the Magic of goals. It isn’t possible to have something we have never dreamed of or desired. After having a clear concise objective in our mind, we can begin to work diligently day in and day out with courage, passion and drive. In time, and with tenacity, we can make what we imagine come true. When we dare to dream, suddenly there will appear a bright shining beam to show us the way.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 49

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