24 Apr 2011

Seeds of Success

“We can each have our own personal and emotional ‘Resurrection’ any time and any place.” ~ Rob McBride

23 Apr 2011

Seeds of Success

“While words abound, actions help us rebound.” ~ Rob McBride

This LL really means a lot to me…

De: Tri Martini
Enviado el: Friday, April 22, 2011 7:03 PM
Asunto: Lunar Letter: A New Beginning

“To keep moving forward it is necessary to learn and grow. Even the best
road can become difficult to follow if we do not renew and improve.”

I think, I need to start with a ‘new thought’ and to ‘adjust’ my desire to
be able to continue my unfinished chapter then accomplish my story in my
book of life with ‘Happy ending’….

I do hope that the stone in front of me can be my bridge to keep moving
forward and grow…and I will do everything possible to create the tale I
I am sure I can…

Thank you very very much for supporting and motivating me as always…

This LL really means a lot to me… Indeed…

Love this, Rob…:)

22 Apr 2011

Seeds of Success

“Today we can turn the page to face a new day in a better way.” ~ Rob McBride

21 Apr 2011

Seeds of Success

“In the magic of our mind we can fly to another space and time.” ~ Rob McBride

20 Apr 2011

Seeds of Success

“A word of encouragement can make a world of difference.” ~ Rob McBride

19 Apr 2011

Seeds of Success

“When we accept what once was, we can enjoy what now is.” ~ Rob McBride

Lunar Letter: A New Beginning

Judith Muller Thankyou for insights! Very neat way of dealing effectively with life! One day at a time! Neatly packaged, past stored and sealed, the future nice and new and a new beginning everyday! Love it!

Bonnie Jean Forsyth-Combs Thanks Rob. Great note!

Brenda Steinkamp Rob….as always…..thank you. You inspire me. Bless you my friend.

Praful Jain Rob… Ur just wonderful …!! Thank you… !!!

Joell Iannopollo Anthony Rob a wonderful reminder on how to change things simply and effectively! Thank you for the tag~Namaste~

Deroza Van der Ross TodaY is My neW beginning!! 🙂

Apocalypto Reborn Powerful and wonderful…

Adelina Stoichkova Santis ‎:-)))) Thank you again….I will do so and change my stile of writing

Zarina Ammarah Hajat awesome beautiful love this..note..thanks for sharing..

Arnita D. Doggett ‎~ ♥ Thank you ♥ Rob ♥ Always Inspiring ♥ ~

Titah Bhabu Thanks for the tag Rob. YOur writings are beautiful and very very inspiring. I’m gonna be expecting more of your wonderful thoughts…:)

Svetlana Petrova Indeed a very interesting and inspiring article.

Nena Nesovic Thank You Rob 🙂 ..helps 🙂 ♥

Erika Kóródi Great writing, as always. Inspiring as always, and very useful. Thank you Rob! Have a blessed day! 🙂


Tri Martini I really want to continue the chapter of my book of life with a better story..to create a good tale I want…though I know..it’s not as easy as turn our hands…but today must be my New Beginning to achieve what I have aspired and desired…I’m sure I can make it…Many many thanks for supporting, motivating and keep fanning desire…I must open a new page in my book of life…Really love this, dear Rob…♥

Mira Pesut God bless you Rob,, your writings is so beautiful and inspiring,, thank you from the heart..♥

Maria Eduarda Freitas Great writing!Interesting article….very interesting… Thanks for tagged me…life & love for all and hug for you 😉

Naeem Seagal Naeem Rob wonderful beautiful written love this one ,,,,A new beginning is something we need once in awhile,
To make fresh start and wear a broad smile.
To forgive and forget is not quite the same,
As starting again with a mundane new name.,,,,,
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