Seeds of Success
“Consistency and perseverance give life relevance.” ~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“Consistency and perseverance give life relevance.” ~ Rob McBride
Each day can be a new beginning professionally, personally and emotionally. The words written in our book of life to date influence, but do not determine the rest of our story. Each day we write the words shaping the plot. As we close the doors of our business daily and then later close our eyes to go to sleep, we put a period at the end of that day’s entry. The next day it depends on us if we continue on with the same chapter, or start a new one.
If all is going well in our tale, by all means let’s continue on and finish the part we are on. Yet regardless, to keep moving forward it is necessary to learn and grow. Even the best road can become difficult to follow if we do not renew and improve. The first phrase we start with tomorrow can take into account the successes we have had to date, as we seek to remain on the cutting edge of our profession, while also being in control of our personal lives and emotions.
If we find our tale is not as we want it, it is preferable to start a new chapter. The scope and nature of the change in our story depends on the magnitude of the adjustment we desire. If we only require small modifications we can continue with the same story line, and if not, perhaps it’s best to go in a completely different direction..
In the same way an author creates an adventure with his words, we also create our own story of life with actions we take each day.
How is your professional, personal, and emotional story of life going?
Are you achieving all you want and in the way you want to accomplish it?
If your answer is affirmative, simply continue the story line from yesterday making only small adjustments to keep going in the same direction. If the answer is negative, today is the best time to put a period on what once was and start an entirely new chapter in life.
How can we do this?
One of the best ways to initiate a new beginning is to change our habits. What we have done day in and day out is what has brought us to where we are today. When we modify our actions, we modify our results. We all have positive and negative habits. When we reinforce those which lead us to what we desire and diminish those which take us farther away, we begin to slowly modify our direction and determine our destiny.
Life will eventually place the final period on our story of life. Meanwhile, we can do everything possible to create the tale we want. When we live with decision and intention, we integrate what we value into our book of life and diminish what we detest. Today can be a new beginning to achieve what we have always aspired and desired.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
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Seeds of Success
“Today can be a new beginning to achieve what we have always aspired and desired.” ~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“When we occasionally let our children fall and fail, they learn to get up and go” ~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“Today we have a say to create our destiny in a new and better way.” ~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“Life puts a period at the end of each day, later we see if the story continues, changes or ends.” ~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“To get more than we expect, give more than what is expected.” ~ Rob McBride
Seeds of Success
“When we sow seeds of success, we find our dreams can be all they seem.” ~ Rob McBride