Very moving, very wise and very authentic

De: Jay Forte
Enviado el: viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011 08:19 p.m.
Asunto: Re: Lunar Letter: A Beginning and an End

Love it. Very moving, very wise and very authentic. Thank you for sharing
this. I pulled a couple of “life wisdom” quotes from it that I added to my
pages of inspiration – will use them (and give credit!). Thanks for
reminding me to be present – today – right now – this instant.


It seems to be right for me

De: Marcos Levy
Enviado el: viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011 07:21 p.m.
Asunto: Re: Lunar Letter: A Beginning and an End

I like this one my friend, It seems to be right for me, thanks it makes me
realize the true life values.

Hugs & Blessings

Lunar Letter / A Beginning and an End

Everything has a beginning and everything has an end, the time in between, on us depends. Time is always relative. In some cases it is measured in minutes or days, in others in years, decades or even billions of years. When we understand nothing lasts forever, we realize the only thing which truly exists is this instant. The past is a distant memory, the future an unfulfilled promise and this moment a special gift.

Frequently, we are bothered when something comes to an “end.” It could be something material which breaks or is ruined. It could be a relationship which dissolves or even a loved one who takes his or her last breath. While none of these circumstances are pleasant or desired, they most certainly will come. Though we may not want for something or someone to come to an end, with or without our consent, it will happen.

In the great scheme of things, we are like drops of water in the ocean. Each of us is one person of more than six billion people on the planet. While we each do our best to live and enjoy each moment in life, we are simply one more in the mass of humanity.

The earth and our solar system have been around for approximately 4.5 billion years and, it is estimated will last another 4.5 billion years. Depending on our circumstances and where we are born we may, with good or bad luck as the case may be, live perhaps 100 years. The “drops of time” which we each have are indeed precious and should be treated as such.

It’s not reasonable to want something to end. Losing something is bothersome. Losing someone close is one of the most difficult times we will face. Nevertheless, we can see life as if it were a river flowing through the mountains. A river which starts in the depths of the earth until finally coming forth through the surface.  Then as it continues its course, it encounters and surpasses thousands of obstacles in its path, until it finally reaches its destiny.

Similarly, we are born from the depths of creation and come forth to follow our own course with an endless number of obstacles along the way. We can resist and fight against each challenge and loss or we can simply flow and go through all which comes our way. Whether or not we approve, the world will continue turning and life will continue in some way, shape or form.

It’s unlikely we will be able to cure all the maladies of the world, and less likely we can cause those things which we like, and those people whom we love to last forever. The answer lies not in changing the nature of life, time or the universe, rather in adapting, resolving and giving our best to live happy and healthy lives.

Happiness does not depend on never facing sadness or sorrow, rather on accepting them with courage and understanding so we make take advantage of each moment in this spectacular journey we call life. The minutes, hours and days will continue with or without us. Instead of lamenting and fearing what most certainly will be, we can instead do all we can to rejoice in this instant, taking pleasure in the present  and reveling in the memories of magical moments that last a lifetime.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 46


19 Mar 2011

Seeds of Success

“When we join together, we multiply; when divide, we are hung out to dry.” ~ Rob McBride

18 Mar 2011

Seeds of Success

“We can flow and grow instead of resist and desist.” ~ Rob McBride

17 Mar 2011

Seeds of Success

“Feelings of the heart rule emotions of the mind.” ~ Rob McBride

16 Mar 2011

Seeds of Success

“While we may long for the past and have hope for the future, there is power in the present.” ~ Rob McBride

15 Mar 2011

Seeds of Success

“Everything has beginning and an end, what lies between on us depends.” ~ Rob McBride