Lunar Letter / Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

All we really want in life is to be happy. As stunning as this astounding discovery may seem, what is not quite as obvious is how to attain this worthy ideal.

Everything we do is related in some way, shape or form to our search for happiness. The mate we choose, the job we select, our desire to have children or not and the people we choose to be around. Along the way these decisions frequently seem to be errors in judgment and instead of bringing us happiness, instead they bring anxiety and anguish.

What happened?

Did we really make a mistake or is some other dynamic taking control? It is not “things” or “people” who make us “unhappy,” rather our perception of what is happening. Notwithstanding, there are three things which can lead us to be happier regardless of the circumstances. We can all do our best to internalize the following characteristics.

HEALTH: It’s much easier for someone in good physical shape to be happy. While it is possible for an unhealthy person to be happy, physical well-being makes it much easier. When we eat well and exercise regularly, our energy and drive instantly change for the positive. To achieve our goals and desires, it’s fundamental we have the resources necessary. While some of these things are “beyond” our control, many are “within” our control. Taking care of our body as if it were a sacred temple rather than a wrecked ruin gives us vitality, strength and enthusiasm to achieve all we desire.

WEALTH: If we have the option to choose between being “wealthy” or “poor,” it is obvious we would choose prosperity. Let’s look at different types of wealth. To the chagrin of many, material wealth is important. Anyone who says money is not important hasn’t been to the supermarket lately. We need money and other kinds of material wealth to fully enjoy this marvelous journey we call life. Equally important is inner wealth and this type of prosperity has no limits. In this instant, we can all become “wealthier” by simply giving thanks for all we have rather than lamenting what we don’t have. Prosperity is measured as much by the number of zero’s in our bank account as by the richness of our emotional bank account.

WISDOM: People who are wise have problems like anyone else. What sets them apart from the rest is their ability to see the world from a different perspective. Beginning with our very first breath, challenge lurks around every corner. Those who see obstacles as a norm are able to flow and grow. Those who continually strive to know more about our world and themselves discover quickly it is a never ending search. What we do not know will always be greater than what we know. Yet the power and value of a single idea has no limit. When we are willing to continually grow, life turns into an adventure to enjoy rather than a chore to endure.

Being happy is a decision, not an obligation. When we are healthy, wealthy and wise, happiness becomes the rule rather than the exception.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 35


Real Intelliegence

Real intelligence is a creative use of knowledge, not merely an accumulation
of facts. The slow thinker who can finally come up with an idea of his own
is more important to the world than a walking encyclopedia who hasn’t
learned how to use information productively.

~ D. Kenneth Winebrenner

Lunar Letter / Vivid Imagination

We all possess a magical mind with an incredible imagination. Everything begins in the mind. All we have and know today was once merely a seed of thought. Napoleon Hill said:

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

When we look around us, we see thoughts do indeed become realities. As we ponder our own possibilities, it is useful to reflect on the research of Dr. Maxwell Maltz. He discovered the mind cannot tell the difference between something real and something vividly imagined.

Vivid imagination can take us to different spaces in faraway places.

Vivid imagination can create new truths to previously conceived realities.

Vivid imagination can develop different solutions to common challenges.

Vivid imagination can help alleviate piercing pain in uncomfortable circumstances.

Vivid imagination can determine new means to distinct destinies.

Vivid imagination can sow the seed of thought for new possibilities.

Vivid imagination can allow us to experience existential ecstasy.

Vivid imagination can generate gentle thoughts in turbulent times.

Vivid imagination can form a fortress of peace and serenity.

Vivid imagination can give rise to the greatest of achievements.

When we allow our minds to soar with vivid imagination, we amplify our own possibilities and begin to take full advantage of our true potential.

For so many years of our lives we are told, “No you can’t do that!” and, “Don’t even think about it!” As a result, we are often conditioned to reject new thought and imagination.

Our minds create our own reality. If we want to change our circumstances, we need only change our thoughts. Empowering creative thought and vivid imagination is the first step to create the experience and the life we desire.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 34

Happy effiecient people

The happy and efficient people in this world are those who accept trouble as
a normal detail of human life and resolve to capitalize on it when it comes

~ H. Bertram Lewis

Lunar Letter / I Will Survive

We are born as the result of incredible series of events and begin breathing for a purpose which is difficult to comprehend. Our body is a magnificent machine which functions amazingly well with water, food and exercise. From the moment we begin this marvelous journey, there is only one absolute truth in life… One day we will pass to another place in a different time and space.

The way in which we pass is unknown and no one knows for sure if he or she will live for 8 minutes or 80 years. What is assured is our body will transform from its current shape and form. Yet the human body is extraordinary and can survive the incredible array of circumstances we face every day.

Think for a moment about all of the challenges you have faced in your life; economic difficulty, sickness, hunger, pain and the myriad of other situations and emotions. Regardless of how tough they were, you have survived to live and breathe for another day. This I can say because otherwise, you would not be here to read this today.

It’s easy to fall into the bottomless pit of anguish and desperation as we face life’s challenges. Our lives are full of circumstances which in time become the grains of sand which make our own beach of life. Some parts are soft and soothing while others are rough and ragged. As difficult as any situation may be in the moment, it normally is not a determining factor of how long we will live.

Think for a moment of a challenge you had previously and which has now been resolved in some way, shape or form. If you are normal, you may have pulled out your hair, imagined all the terrible consequences and become an emotional wreck. Then, as with everything in life, eventually the situation changed, though granted not always in the manner you would like.

What determines if we will survive does not generally depend on a specific problem, situation or challenge we face daily. Our life expectancy is determined by many factors, and while one is our emotional state of mind, this is a state which can be influenced positively with an optimistic and expectant attitude.

The time between birth and death consists of moments. Each of us determines if these will be magical or malignant. One option we can all choose when facing challenge is to quite simply say, “I will survive.”

Friedrich Nietzsche phrased it this way:

“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

This doesn’t mean we have to like and enjoy everything that happens to us. On the contrary, there will be horrible things which happen. Knowing we will survive can give us faith and courage to carry on and create new solutions to silly circumstances.

Not everything in life is wonderful, beautiful and bright. Knowing circumstance bothers yet seldom kills, permits us to flow and find new remedies instead of resist and desist. We will survive everything in life except for one thing, and that day will come when it will come. In the meantime, to each problem, inconvenience and challenge in life, we can simply say:

I will survive.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 33



It’s not what we know, rather what we do with what we know which is most

~ Rob

Lunar Letter / The Engine of Life

Habits are the oil in the engine of life.

How long has it been since you have changed the oil in your engine?

Car manufactures recommend people change their oil frequently. The more often we change the oil, the longer the engine will last. If we never change the oil, it is likely the engine will “die a premature death” as it becomes clogged with dirt and debris.

We can relate our lives to the engine. Habits and routines are the oil in our own engine of life. When we change our habits and routines, we extend the life of our own engines by producing new and exciting results. While any path will generally do in the journey of life, it is our habits and routines which empower our path.

As this year comes to a close, we think about what we would like to do differently for the following year. We go through a period of review and reflection. We think about the past year and what we have achieved while planning the coming year to make things better than before.

We can all think about how long it has been since we have changed our habits and routines. “If we keep doing the same thing, we will keep getting the same results.” In computer terms we call it, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

If we are currently getting the results we desire, there is no need for great change in what we are doing. Even if we are going down the right path, it makes sense to look in our rear view mirror every now and again to make sure we don’t get run over.

Most of us begin the year with great intentions. Our New Year’s Resolutions may include:

Losing weight

Stopping smoking

Doing more exercise

Making more money

Being more productive

Improving communications

While these are all worthy ideals, as daily routine sets in after the euphoria of the holidays, often our goals and objectives are set aside as we take care of more “important” things.

In order to realize any significant change in our lives we need to first “change our oil” and make sure we have the proper lubrication to ensure our engine is running as it should. To do this we can review what we do and how we do it on a daily basis. Many complain, “I just don’t have enough time!” Time is a limited resource. It is not always possible to get everything done though it is possible to do the things we concentrate on. What is missing is not “enough time” rather a lack of focus.

We also need to have a strong reason to change. Many of us take better care of our cars than we do of ourselves. Why would do we do this? The answer is simple, our automobiles represent a significant investment and we want to take care of our investment.

How much is our body worth?

Regardless of the value we place on our own body, in order to keep it in optimum condition, we must “change the oil” from time to time. Unfortunately, the catalyst for many of us to “change our oil” is a life threatening situation where we face dire consequences if we don’t change.

Habits can be empowering or they can be destructive. Starting right now we can choose empowering habits over destructive habits.

Imagine what we can achieve when our thoughts are congruent with our dreams and desires. The sky is the limit. The only limits are self imposed. Our health, our income and our well-being are in our hands.

How then can we change our habits to drive our direction and determine our destiny?

Life is not as it should be; it is as it is. No magic wand can take a lifetime of habits and change them overnight. We can start to “change our oil” more often to guarantee our own engine of life is running as it should.

Here are some questions we can ask ourselves:

“How is what I am about to do going to effect the oil in my engine?”

“Is the food I’m about to eat going to make my engine run better or worse?”

“Is the cigarette I am about to smoke going to make my engine last longer or shorter?”

“Instead of taking the elevator up two or three floors, how about if I take the stairs instead?”

“What if I do more for what I am paid for rather than doing the bare minimum to get by?

“What is the most valuable use of my time in this instant?”

“What can I do to listen more effectively and talk less?”

Dramatic changes in our lives are not the result of some secret formula which will magically solve all of our problems. Instead, it is the small things done on a consistent basis which make a tremendous difference over time. People are not overweight because they ate “one” chocolate bar. People are not out of shape because they took the elevator “one” time. Our habits and routines over a lifetime create our realities.

Our bodies are finely tuned machines which in most cases keep working despite abuse and negligence. As this year comes to an end and a new year lurks on the horizon, we have the power to take action today, change our oil and make sure our own engine of life runs smoothly and soundly into the days, months and years to come.


∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 31