Lunar Letter / Moments

Life is made up of moments…

Magical moments which make us quiver with emotion and form an integral part of our experience. Moments which become the motion pictures of our mind, available 24 hours a day, anchoring us to those times which confirm how wonderful it is to be on this incredible journey we call life.

Moments of ecstasy when the world seems to stop and we enter a state where nothing can touch or trouble us. Moments which come when we least expect them and later remain as a memory of a sensational dream which we long to repeat with our entire body and soul.

Marvelous moments which make us smile broadly and laugh so hard our stomach hurts. Moments which leave their imprint on our experience, strengthening ties with those whom we have the pleasure of sharing them and creating relationships which can last a lifetime.

Moments of inspiration which allow us to fly with the eagles during which everything seems to go right. Moments when we are connected with the universe and we flow naturally with change and turbulence which constitute the essence of life.

Incredible moments which take our breath away in disbelief and the ensuing realization of life’s own perfect imperfection. Moments when a storm devastates everything in its path and subsequently regenerates life and abundance in the same location.

Moments of joy which nourish our soul and confirm that happiness should be the rule rather than the exception. Moments which transport us emotionally to another place and which open the doors to be happy with what we have and where we are in every instant, while acknowledging we can always improve.

Moments to go forth boldly with courage to achieve what we most desire while painting a magnificent picture representative of our essence. Moments to take a leap of faith with energy knowing we can make adjustments to our path to attain exactly what we want.

Moments to rest and rebuild our inner force and bathe in the pleasure of simply being without feeling obligated to always be busy. Moments to savor the sun and bask in its warmth, reflecting on the value of hard work which, paradoxically, makes it possible to enjoy each instant.

Moments to think about how incredible each second, minute and hour are which pass idly through our fingers while the world keeps going around and around. Moments to be thankful for the privilege of being alive, knowing with certainty that this is the most intense moment of our lives; and, it is gone in an instant!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL II 19


WOW! What a Ride!

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, proclaiming – “WOW!  What a Ride!”

~ Author Unknown


All too often the difference between success and failure, progress and regress, happiness and depression — and, yes, balance and imbalance — is simply a matter of perspective.
~ Paul Wilson


The trouble with resisting temptation is it may never come your way again.
~ Korman’s law


You increase your joy by increasing the pure joy of others.
~ Torkom Saraydarian


The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence, but in the mastery, of his passions.
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson