
We live by hope.  We do not always get all we want when we want it but we have to believe that someday, somehow, some way, it will be better and that we can make it so.
~ Hubert H. Humphrey

Bouncing Back…

If there is one skill in life that we all need to learn it’s how to get back up, dust ourselves off, and get on with things.

~ A.C. Ping

Today’s sunshine…

Some people are making such thorough preparations for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.
~ William Feather


Life is like a video game.  No matter how good you get, you are always zapped in the end!
~ Author Unknown

The right way…

Watch your step when you immediately know the one way to do anything.  Nine times out of ten, there are several better ways.
~ William B. Given Jr.

Lunar Letter / Comfort in Discomfort

How can we achieve Comfort in Discomfort?

How can we find peace in turbulence?

Things will not always occur as we wish. There will be situations which are depressing, sad and uncomfortable. Our interpretation of what happens, rather than what actually happens, is most important. Recently, I gained better understanding of achieving comfort in discomfort while attending a workshop with Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and his son Don José Ruiz.

Let’s look at an example. Suppose there are two people working for the same company. They both lose their jobs at the same time because of circumstances beyond their control. One says, “Poor me, I’ll never find another job as good as this one! My life will never be the same and now it will be impossible to achieve what I desire.” The other says, “Though it was a good job, I now have the opportunity to find an even better one! I have confidence and faith in myself; I will find an excellent opportunity.”

Circumstances like divorce, unemployment and death can turn our lives upside down. When we look around us, we find some are better able to handle the situation than others.

Why is this?

Why do some people rapidly bounce back from adversity while others fall into depths of despair?

Resilience, a subject which has been my passion during the last several years, has much to do with the way we overcome challenge. Among the skills we can develop is our ability to find comfort in discomfort.

It was difficult for me at one time to understand how someone can remain in one position and meditate for an extended period of time. Now, I understand the Master finds comfort in discomfort because he knows how to manage discomfort. Another will struggle constantly to find a more “Comfortable” position. While they both feel discomfort, the difference is in how they manage it. Those who master their minds know discomfort is a physical state which can be affected by what we think, how we breathe and how we feel. Health, happiness and peace come naturally when we master our minds to find comfort in discomfort.

We generally discover an infinite number of interpretations for uncomfortable situations. The easiest thing to do is to fall into the pathetic role of the victim. The more empowering possibility is to use our magnificent minds to find better solutions.

Life is made up of moments. Our happiness and capacity to enjoy each instant is a function of our brain and how we interpret daily events. Finding Comfort in Discomfort gives us better answers to difficult situations. Leading the life we desire does not depend on being thrown into the lap of luxury rather on our ability to sweeten sour grapes.

∞ Rob McBride ∞