Lunar Letter / Imperfect Perfection
What is perfection?
Why do we seek it?
What is its attraction?
Doing a good job is noble.
“Doing something outstanding and making a difference is spectacular!”
Everyday we go out into the world in search of something.
Could it be happiness?
Perhaps it has something to do with:
We assume Perfection will somehow lead us to all these objectives. Nevertheless, perfection can be a double-edged sword. When we become obsessed with having everything “perfect” before taking action, we become stuck in the muck and the mud.
It is fine to want to do things well, yet “perfection” frequently leads us into a vicious cycle.
“If we never take action before something is ‘perfect,’ we will never have the opportunity to achieve that which we most desire.”
Let’s take a look at an example. I have an upcoming event where I want to make my second book available. Little by Little We Go Far is a compilation of my first 50 Lunar Letters. I’ll have a tremendous opportunity to offer my books in English and in Spanish to many people.
As I was working on converting the information from its original electronic format into a format suitable for publication, I realized each time I reviewed the information, there was always a way to “Perfect” it, a “better” way to express a thought or to reformat the text and pictures to enhance the book.
From this experience came the idea of imperfect perfection. While there is always a way to improve, there comes a time when we must accept things as they are and move forward!
The first edition is already available and, as I imagined, there are several little “horrors” which can be fixed. Not withstanding, I am extremely satisfied with the results.
Since it is the first edition, with a limited number of copies, of my first 50 Lunar Letters, it could very well become more valuable with time. My intention is to create at least 496 Lunar Letters. Possibly someday this first “special” edition, even with a few “horrors” could be worth millions! “Millions of what” I’m not certain, though I am confident it will have special value, albeit sentimental.
“Imperfect Perfection creates new roads which lead to new destinies.”
We can flow with the unknown and the imperfect the same way nature demonstrates imperfect perfection. A storm which causes destruction is a natural part of growth. Sometimes it’s necessary to destroy before we can create.
When we fail in an attempt to achieve something great, we learn one more way which doesn’t work and define further what needs to be done.
It is preferable to err while daring greatly than to achieve something ordinary.
Doing our very best, with what we have on hand, assures that regardless of occasional failure, we will be headed towards a worthy ideal. Happiness doesn’t come from doing something “perfect” rather from utilizing imperfect perfection to move steadily in the direction of our dreams.
It’s the Bounce that Counts!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
Lunar Letter / Reach out and Touch Someone
One of the strongest desires we all have is the desire for recognition. For each person who goes to bed hungry for food, there are thousands who go to bed hungry for acknowledgment. With the daily rush to get from here to there, we frequently forget how easy it is to make another happy.
We are taught from the time we are toddlers how to establish goals and objectives, as well as how we should work to become successful. We fill our heads with formulas and phrases which promise to be the Holy Grail which leads to a productive life. Normally, this knowledge leads us to an activity which to some extent provides sustenance and the basic necessities.
Unfortunately, in far too many cases we don’t show our youngsters how to be caring human beings. We are taught what to do though not how to do it. As if we are producing robots which come off an assembly line, our youngsters leave school and our homes with knowledge about the world in which we live and little about the importance of human relations.
If only I could change all this with a few lines in this newsletter!
I realize my limitations and those of others. As I roll through the ages of time in this wonderful journey we call life, I realize the importance of human contact. While time alone to reflect and think is important for all, so also is time to share with others.
After analyzing the desires of the participants in my conferences and workshops, I have come to the conclusion what we most desire, unless we are masochists, is happiness. While there are many ways to experience happiness, our strongest feelings generally manifest themselves when we share with others.
Think for a moment of all the people you have met in your life. Unless they have passed on to another reality which we will all one day discover, they are all doing something in this instant. A myriad of activities which may include eating, talking, reading, or perhaps even making love.
I have thought about how marvelous it would be to be able to connect with each of these people we know by a simple transmission of thought. While I’m convinced I have occasionally achieved this objective, I also realize we can connect instantaneously with virtually anybody any where in the world by simply reaching out and punching a few buttons on a telephone. As if by magic, we are immediately talking with someone regardless of their location.
With the invention of the computer and other means of “virtual” communication, we often forget it is just as easy to lift up a telephone and dial a few numbers to connect up close and personal with another human being. Whether it be with a phone call, a personal handwritten note, an e mail or a big bear hug, brighten the day of those you know. Reach out and touch the heart of someone today because you never know, tomorrow might be too late…
It’s the Bounce that Counts!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
Lunar Letter / I’ve Learned
I’ve learned this moment is as it is and is as it should be. With all its trials and tribulations it is the only time we have for certain. What happened yesterday and what may happen tomorrow can never compare to the intensity of this instant.
As such, we can agonize about what we don’t have and don’t like or give thanks for what we do have and do like. We can be grateful for each breath we take, each sound we hear, each color we see, each caress we receive and each smile we share.
Life is lived in this precise instant, here and now. It is common to waste too much time feeling sorry for what could have been or longing for what might be. What we have in this instant right here and now is what it is and is as it should be.
I am proud to publish this 50th Lunar Letter, the result of a vision which began four years ago and which I feel is still in its infancy. Fifty full lunar cycles have inspired me to create and publish a new message with each new full moon.
Some of you have been with me from the beginning of my journey and many of you have joined along the way. I have learned much during these years and I have had the good fortune to share my thoughts with many of you in so many different ways. From all I have learned something. I have learned from those I have met on airplanes, from others in faraway lands and from the participants in my conferences, seminars and workshops. Today my editor told me, “We are all teachers and we are all disciples.” I am convinced this is true and I am delighted to have shared with each and every one of you.
On this journey I have learned there is always something else to learn. As Socrates so aptly stated, “I only know that I know nothing.” When we think about the knowledge and experience beyond our comprehension, we begin to realize how little we know regardless of our depth of understanding in any particular field. What is truly marvelous about this wonderful world in which we live is we can connect with the knowledge of the world by simply typing a few words into a computer.
While we live in an era where we can communicate with virtually anyone anywhere in the world in a heart beat, we often forget our ability to laugh, share and enjoy magical moments which arise most often from common everyday incidents rather than from isolated extraordinary events.
Finally, I have learned we have the ability and the power to embrace every minute knowing this is the most intense moment of our lives and it’s gone in an instant…
It’s the Bounce that Counts!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 50
Lunar Letter / Overcome Challenge
Ideas about motivation and inspiration change over time. During the 1970’s and 1980’s pundits advocated a positive mental attitude as the key to achieving goals and insuring happiness. The mere act of thinking positively, we were told, would cause what we wanted to magically appear.
Recently, “The Secret” has been revealed and has been spreading like wild fire. The latest greatest belief is in the “Law of Attraction.” In short, the theory tells us when we think positively and imagine we already have what we want, the powers of the universe will align to make it ours.
I have seen the importance of positive mental attitude and the Law of Attraction in my own life. Both have been fundamental in the publication of my book A Special Gift. Almost four years ago I wrote about the importance of soap operas in the Venezuelan culture. Specifically, I mentioned Juan José, the book’s principal character, was happiest while watching the soap opera at 9:00 PM. Just before my book was published, I met Guillermo Dávila who has been an actor on many soap operas and at that time was in the show at 9:00 PM. This manifestation of the Law of Attraction led me to ask him to baptize and be the Godfather of my book.
While a positive attitude and the Law of Attraction are powerful, we have the benefit of additional basic principles which can empower us to overcome our daily challenges. “Overcome Challenge?” you might ask. “Could it be Rob really wants to say overcome problems?” I firmly believe we should focus on the challenge in a situation rather than on the problem. I have yet to find a problem which cannot be seen as a challenge. Our mind is a marvelous machine which processes information exactly as it is presented. When we embrace challenge, we reject problems. When our mind sees a difficult situation as a challenge, it automatically begins to generate solutions.
In addition to a positive mental attitude and the conscious implementation of the Law of Attraction which provide a tremendous backdrop to Overcome Challenge, it is beneficial to employ:
A good sense of humor
A strong internal locus of control *
Something which drives us to take action
The talent to see the good in a bad situation
A healthy curiosity about the world in which we live
The capacity to see the reality of the moment, be it good or bad
Faith in general and specifically in our ability to resolve the most difficult of circumstance
We have all overcome difficulty. When we finally succeed, after muddling through dark thoughts of desperation and defeat, we cherish the moment forever. These instances become the stories we tell our children and grandchildren and, ultimately, are the experiences which give us the most satisfaction.
It’s not enough to simply think and imagine everything will be fine in the end. We must confidently move forward and take action knowing we have the power to change our direction, overcome challenge and determine our destiny.
* Locus of control theory is a concept that extends between psychology and sociology, which distinguishes between two types of people – internals, who attribute events to their own control, and externals, who attribute events in their life to external circumstances.
It’s the Bounce that Counts!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 49
Lunar Letter / Dare to be Great!
Though not always apparent, we always have a choice about the direction we take in life. We choose whether we will have a positive or negative attitude. We choose with whom we will spend time. We choose what we will do to make a living. Though we may not always be happy with our choices, we always have a choice.
Years ago my father did some work for Glen W. Turner, who designed and promoted a program called “Dare to be Great!” While there was much controversy about the program and the way it was marketed, I have always remembered the title because we can always test our comfort zone and dare to be great.
What is the alternative? We can go down the same road we have been traveling. If this road is taking us to where we want to go, there is no reason to change. On the other hand, if we aren’t getting the results we desire, we have the power to change course. It’s easy to sit and realize what we want in life; what is difficult is to stand up and take action to achieve it.
We may ask ourselves, “What if I fail?” As we face the difficulties involved in taking on a new endeavor, a series of fears, uncertainties, and doubts can impede our desire to go beyond our comfort zone. Our question should be, “How will I feel when I reflect upon my life if I don’t have the courage to attempt to achieve my dreams?”
We have all made a mistake or two as we journey through this wonderful winding road we call life. The fear we feel of making a mistake and perhaps even “sticking our foot in our mouth” tends to block our progress when we dare to be great. The difference between achieving “Greatness” and just existing is not a question of race, education or economic stability; rather, it is a function of our courage to pursue what we most desire, knowing the possibility of failure.
Those who achieve what they want in life are not always those who make the right decisions. Instead, they are those who make good decisions based on the information they have available knowing they can adjust their path when necessary. Dare to be great and the world shall be yours…
It’s the Bounce that Counts!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 48
Lunar Letter / Rebotando en las Américas
Si ha asistido a mis conferencias y talleres o que han recibido mis Lunar Letters, sabe que he tratado con diferentes formas de superar dificultades a través de mi lema, “Es el Rebote lo que nos Lleva al Tope.” Recientemente conocí a dos personas que se han dedicado durante muchos años a investigar las características de las personas que logran superar las situaciones más difíciles en la vida. Sus nombres son el Dr. Al Siebert de los EEUU, autor del libro The Resiliency Advantage y la Dra. Claudia Riecken del Brasil, autora del libro SobreViver: Instinto de Vencedor. Recientemente hicimos un intercambio de libros y quedé fascinado de haberles conocido por su dedicación en el tema que me ha apasionado durante muchos años.
Sus investigaciones y formas de abordar el tema han prendido luces en mi dando un nuevo significado a las ideas que he explorado y que no lograba expresar con la misma claridad y precisión. Por ejemplo, he intuido que no es posible ni saludable tener una actitud totalmente positiva 100% del tiempo. Para utilizar la analogía que he compartido con miles de personas, la vida es como una pelota que rebota. A veces estamos arriba y a veces estamos abajo.
A través de sus estudios y sus conversaciones con centenares de personas los Doctores Siebert y Riecken confirmaron que una de las mejores formas de superar dificultades no es tener una actitud positiva todo el tiempo. Mientras que esto contradice lo que muchos hemos aprendido, ellos encontraron que los que son más flexibles y superan situaciones de adversidad son los que logran ver la realidad de una situación adversa con todo lo que ella implica.
El Dr. Siebert explica: es como tener dos llaves de agua, una caliente y otra fría. Aunque es sabroso sumergirse en un baño de agua caliente de positivismo y esto nos puede dirigir a conseguir excelentes soluciones, a veces es necesario tumbarse dentro de un baño de agua fría para enfrentar la realidad de la situación y proceder con cautela.
Con este nuevo conocimiento del trabajo de los Doctores Siebert y Riecken, tengo plena confianza y una multitud de ideas para llevar “El Rebote” a través de las Américas. He confirmado que lo más importante no es donde estemos en un momento determinado del ciclo de la vida, sino nuestra capacidad de rebotar por lo menos una vez más, porque…
¡ Es el Rebote lo que nos Lleva al Tope !
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 47
Lunar Letter / Bouncing Across America
Those who have attended my conferences and workshops or who have received my Lunar Letters know I have explored different ways to overcome difficulty through my idea, “It’s the Bounce that Counts!”
Recently, I met two people who have dedicated many years determining the characteristics of those who are able to overcome life’s most difficult situations. Their names are Dr. Al Siebert from the United States, author of The Resiliency Advantage and Dr. Claudia Riecken of Brasil, author of the book SobreViver: Instinto de Vencedor.
On Dr. Siebert’s brilliant suggestion, we have all exchanged books. I am delighted to have made their acquaintance. I am delighted by their dedication to a topic which has driven me with passion for many years.
Their investigation and means of approaching the subject of resiliency have shed new found light on ideas I have explored and had not quite been able to express with the same degree of clarity and precision. For example, I have sensed it is neither possible nor healthy to remain 100% positive all the time. To use the analogy I have shared with thousands of people, life is like a bouncing ball. Sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down.
Through their study and conversations with hundreds of people, Drs Siebert and Riecken confirm one of the best ways to surpass difficulty is not by merely maintaining a positive mental attitude. While this contradicts much of what we have been taught regarding a positive mental attitude, they have found those who are most flexible and able to overcome adversity are those who are able to see the reality of a difficult situation and all it implies.
Dr. Siebert explains it is like having two faucets of water, one hot and one cold. While it is wonderful to bask in the warm water of a positive mental attitude and it can lead to empowering solutions, it is also necessary to take a “cold shower” every once in a while in the harsh reality of the situation, and then proceed with caution.
With the new found knowledge of Dr. Siebert’s and Dr. Riecken’s work, I have enhanced confidence and a plethora of new ideas to create a bounce across the Americas. I have confirmed it is not where we are at any given point in time in the cycle of life which matters most, rather our capacity to bounce back at least one more time because…
It’s the Bounce that Counts!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 47