Lunar Letter / Intention & Action => Direction

Have you ever had an excellent idea which went by the wayside?

How about a moment of inspiration, a solution to all your difficulties, which turned out to be nothing more than a dream?

It happens to me all the time!

I once read a story which has since served as a lesson in life. “What is the difference between simple and easy?” the author asked. He used the example of golf, which is a simple game though certainly not easy. All we need to do to become a great golfer is to put the ball in the hole in 3, 4 or 5 strokes depending on par for the hole. It’s quite simple. For those who play golf, or in my case have “tried” to play golf, it’s far from easy.

So it goes with many things in our lives. From being a Sunday afternoon quarterback in the comfort of our living room, to creating a plan to lose weight or write a book. Intention abounds in our quest to solve the world’s challenges. Where we frequently fail is to take immediate action necessary to reach our objective.
We have countless answers and alternatives. What is most difficult is “putting the pedal to the metal” in order to achieve what we desire. When we perceive our destination as fraught with peril, danger and uncertainty, it’s common to feel overwhelmed with the amount of energy we need to expend to achieve our intention. Taking action, regardless of how small, is frequently the difference between “What if…?” and “I did it!”

Any worthy destination requires a first step. Losing weight is a function of eating less, eating healthier and exercising. Writing a book requires a first word, sentence, paragraph and page. Without a first page, there will never be a book. Any project can be cut into tiny pieces and tackled one at a time.

When is the best time to start?

Next Monday, next month, next year, or right now?

Intention is the first step to our desire. We must then take action to give direction because it’s not what we know, rather what we do with what we know which is most important!

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 46

Lunar Letter / The Game of Life

Life is like a game and each morning we cast the die. Sometimes we hit double sixes; other days, it is snake eyes. What is important is not what luck throws our way, rather our reaction, response and reflection.

Let’s suppose in a moment of distraction, someone rear-ends our car while we are waiting for traffic to move. Undoubtedly, it’s an unfortunate and bothersome situation. It may unleash a series of troublesome events which influence the rhythm and timing of our day. Simply said, we hit “craps” to start the day.

What is marvelous about being human beings is we can choose how the day will develop based on what we think and do with what we are given. We have been taught as humans it’s only natural to be disgusted and perhaps even become aggressive. “Why did you have to be so careless?” we may ask. “Now you’ve ruined my entire day!”

Recently this same situation happened to me. Fortunately, I had just read an article by Stephen Covey regarding the 90/10 principle based on Charles Swindoll’s quote:

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”

Instantly, I thought about the alternatives and chose one which would produce the best results. After my initial disgust, I accepted the situation as an opportunity to meet people I did not know. It was entirely possible my life and perhaps theirs could be enriched by this experience. While I would love to say I always act in this manner, the truth is sometimes the emotion of the moment leads me to react in a way which inhibits my progress and produces rage.

We have all gotten up in the morning with a swift kick to the bedpost which by some miraculous means got in our way. This simple occurrence can inflict physical pain and unleash a chain of events leading to a day of frustration and fury.

We never know what number we will roll each morning. What we can do is take what we have been given and use our personal power to look at the situation from a positive perspective. In the game of life we take the circumstances presented and do the best we can, always aware that our reaction, response and reaction are directing our destiny.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 45

Lunar Letter / Food for Thought

As we observe the world and all living things, we see plants survive with water and sun. Only when we fertilize and care for them will they flourish and radiate their phenomenal potential. Similarly, we can survive with food and water. Only when we fertilize and nourish our brain, body and spirit will we flourish and radiate our own phenomenal potential.

Our minds, bodies and spirits require little to survive from day to day. Our challenge is not to survive, rather to thrive and employ what we need to enjoy this magical journey we call life. The most valuable gift we possess is this instant, and it is up to each of us to savor each and every moment.

Fertilizer for plants smells bad and can be disgusting. Nevertheless, its effects are extremely beneficial. Similarly, fertilizer for the mind, body and spirit can be unpleasant. For example, eating properly and exercising regularly may seem distasteful; however, the effects are extraordinary.

Reading and learning fertilizes our mind and strengthens our ability to meet life’s challenges. Exercising our body provides energy increasing vigor and vitality. Resolving our purpose in life and coming to terms with our own spirituality illuminates and provides inner peace enabling us to manage even the most difficult situations.

If we feel satisfied with where we are and what we are doing, we have probably already provided the nutrients we require to realize our potential. If this is the case, we are on our way,  Contrarily, if we are unsatisfied with where we are and what we are doing, our best option is to take action today to create change tomorrow.

Monumental changes are seldom the source of a vibrant and passionate life. It’s the small things we do on a consistent basis which make a tremendous difference in our well being and happiness. Merely surviving from day to day can lead to a free fall into our worst nightmare. Conversely, taking the time to nourish our mind, body and spirit will propel us to live our dreams and reach our phenomenal potential.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 44

Lunar Letter / Stairway to Heaven

Each of us has something unique, a special gift which makes us extraordinary. This gift is often quite elusive and there is no single road to find it. Many go their entire lives without finding it while others find it when they least expect it.

What is your special gift?

How can you find it?

If you have already found your special gift which will allow you to live a full and productive life, you’re all set.  The only thing you need to do is put it into practice to enjoy and empower each moment.

If, on the other hand, you are yet to find your special gift, or if you know what it is and don’t know how to use it, this message can be valuable to you. Our mind creates our reality. Our attitude towards life determines our results and our happiness. Sowing seeds of success with an excellent attitude brings forth excellent results. Sowing seeds with a terrible attitude will more often than not bring forth terrible results. When we sow corn, we can’t expect to get wheat.

We can use the following “stairs” to get to the heaven of our Special Gift.

A ction: Take action to conquer fear

T enacity: Persevere in the face of difficulty

T olerance: Change what we can, tolerate the rest

I nitiative: Take powerful steps to create our own destiny

T emperance: Use moderation to create balance and harmony

U sefullness: Be of utility and service to all who come our way

D esire: Have a burning desire which drives us to jump out of bed

E nergy: Create physical and emotional energy to meet daily challenges

It’s easy to sit and take notice; what is difficult is to stand up and take action to achieve our deepest desire. An optimal attitude is the first step to find and use our special gift. Take the Stairway to Heaven to your special gift to maintain an excellent attitude while creating your destiny in this wonderful journey we call life.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 43

Lunar Letter / On Top of the World

Each and every day we have a choice. We can climb up to the top of the world and look down, or go down to the dungeon and do the deed. Frequently, our job becomes nothing more than a bore, a chore with which to bide our time until the dawn of another day. We can bathe in fresh dew of a new day or dwell in the drear which seems always near.

It is said, “Our attitude determines our altitude.” While an excellent attitude isn’t, by itself, enough to get what we want in life, it will help us to do everything better than we would do with a terrible attitude. Our current situation is a function of circumstance and decision. Even though our circumstance is often beyond our control, it is our decisions which drive our destiny and direction.

For some, economic activity is a function of direct thought; for others, it is a result of happenstance and fate. Regardless of our situation, we can decide to make the best of the cards we have been dealt. Each day brings forth a new opportunity to discard and draw or hold tight and wait. All too often we let chance determine our course as we hang on for the ride as best we can.

Even if we are currently engaged in an activity which isn’t our burning desire, we can choose to put our best foot forward and charge forth. Taking the first step is usually the most difficult. To gain momentum we must be willing to push beyond our comfort zone and reach beyond our grasp.

When we do more than we are paid to do, we will soon be paid more for what we do. It’s a law of physics. The only way to create new results is to take new action. Making the decision to create wealth, health and happiness here and now is a state of mind. We can decide daily to go down in the dungeon and do the deed or climb up on top of the world, look down and drive toward that which we most desire.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 41

Lunar Letter / Beyond Our Grasp

We can reach beyond our grasp. To achieve objectives which are readily available does not require great effort. To be valiant we can take risk and go beyond the comfortable and convenient. When we require more of ourselves than anyone else, we begin to create our desired destiny.

Robert Browning wrote: “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”

When we reach for the stars, at least we won’t end up with a fist full of dirt. The challenge in life is not to exist from day to day, rather to create, forge and determine our direction and our destiny.

History has shown those who reach great heights are not those who have been given everything on a silver platter, rather it is those who take what they have been given and make the best of it. While it is quite easy to wallow in self pity each time a difficult situation arises, our challenge is to confront conflict and institute a plan of action to achieve a solution.

Instead of enduring, suffering, or simply tolerating times of trouble, we can rise to the occasion and become better as a result. When we stretch beyond comfort and convenience, we establish a foundation which allows our imagination and creativity to soar with the eagles rather than slither with the snakes.

More of the same always produces more of the same. Reaching for the stars will produce a different effect which, while not always desirable, will at least allow us to evaluate and adjust to a new reality which may lead to a new beginning.

It is not circumstance, rather our reaction to it, which creates our reality. When we reach Beyond our Grasp, we establish a powerful process to create our fate and fortune.

It’s the Bounce that Counts!

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 40