Seeds of Success / Book I, Volume xi
One by One

One by one we come into the world
Little by little its secrets are unfurled
Two by two many go hand in hand
Drawing sweet dreams in the sand
Time together often brings another
Making them mother and father
As the young one opens his eyes
He brings excitement and surprise
We often wonder what life’s about
With a little one there is no doubt
The meaning of life becomes clear
As we beget it, no doubt we are near
∞ Rob McBride ∞
26 Nov 2019
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Seeds of Success / Book I, Volume x
What We Have Inside
We cannot give what we do not have
We cannot be what we are not
What we have inside
Will come out
Like it or not
We may act like another
And get away with it for awhile
But what we do speaks so loudly
People will not hear what we say
A glass can only spill its contents
All it has lies within its borders
When we are angered by another
Our contents will become self-evident
We cannot give what we do not have
We cannot have what we do not live
We cannot live what we cannot conceive
We cannot conceive what we do not believe
Believe in yourself / be congruent in thought and action
It’s really much easier than you imagine
Put joy and happiness inside
Hang on and enjoy the ride
∞ Rob McBride ∞
01 Nov 2019
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Seeds of Success / Book I, Volume ix
Semillas del Éxito / Libro I, Volumen viii
The Circle of Life – My first grandson is born

A new day comes with the dawn of the early morning sun
Then it disappears silently as dusk sneaks upon us
A seed germinates in the moisture and the warmth of the earth
Bringing forth into the world a fabulous new sprout
A flower spreads its delicate petals towards the sky
Then sheds them randomly as they mature
A new babe is born from the womb of his mother
Starting the clock on his non-stop trek
The circle of life is never-ending
It converts what seems to be temporary
Into a wondrous magical eternity
∞ Rob McBride ∞
22 Sep 2019