Following is a brief summary of several ideas I find to be extremely helpful in my work and my life…
Reprinted with permission.
~ Rob
Shut up, Stop Whining & Get a Life by Larry Winget
Adaptation on phrase, “Ready, Willing and Able.”
We are all pretty much ready and able, it’s the willing part which is tough.
We must be willing to change!
“On your mark, get set, go!”
We all pretty much no are mark, get set though it’s the go phase where we frequently run into trouble!
Get a license plate which says, “Winner.”
When you drive around with “Winner” license plates, you can’t act like a Loser.
“There is no try, only do or not do.”
~ Yoda
Bad things can and do happen to us even with a positive attitude…
Deal with it!
It is what you…
think about,
talk about,
and do something about,
that comes about!
Getting mad and having a bad attitude about life can drive us to change.
People who understand their purpose is service to others, live lives of abundance.
We do not take action to change when we feel good about ourselves, rather when we feel uncomfortable with ourselves.
As an “irritational” speaker Larry’s aim is to make people feel uncomfortable!
Example of people not changing:
– When someone gains weight, they begin to wear black and buy bigger clothes.
Only after you become uncomfortabe will you be willing to change.
Motivation without direction is like a blown up ballon which is not tied at the end, it just goes crazy bouncing off the walls!
Try what I say and if you like it, run with it! If not, run from it!
~ Larry Winget
“The Pitbull of Personal Development”