Job search considerations…

While this article is a bit different from most of my posts, it is valuable information here and now.  In particular, Joel’s fourth point to consider relates strongly to my first book, A SPECIAL GIFT as well as the importance of faith in whatever form in our lives.
~ Rob

Job Search: 4 Points to Consider


Unfortunately you don’t have to look very far to find someone who has been negatively affected by the downturn in the labor market.

While it may not seem all that long ago when this country was pumping out paychecks at full employment, the latest numbers put the jobless rate at 7.6% and the Labor Department says that in January, nearly 600,000 jobs were siphoned out of the economy.

In times of low unemployment numbers, companies can expect somewhere around 70 to 80 respondents per job opening. With unemployment numbers creeping upward, it stands to reason that the response ratio will also ratchet higher.

With an increasingly competitive job market, it is now more important than ever to have a good understanding of what you have to offer the employer, (skills and abilities, personality tendencies, values, dreams, and passions).

When I’m helping someone find their next best fit, I encourage him or her to hold fast to four simple points before they put wheels on their job search strategy.

(Below each point are questions to help you gain clarity).

1. Look inward:

Are there professional themes that continue to play out in my life?

Am I confusing my abilities to do a job with my professional desires?

In what style of professional environment do I feel the most energized?

2. Look backward:

Looking at my work life so far, what has given me the greatest value or worth?

What are some of the more valuable lessons I’ve learned from my past professional achievements?

What did I dream about doing as a younger person?

3. Look forward:

What would really give me professional mobility?

What group of words or rallying cry would describe my ideal career?

Is there a difference between job, career, and vocation?

Should I create my own opportunity, (in this economy)?

4. Look upward:

Did God put a calling on my life?

If I am called to do something, why am I fearful?


Joel Boggess

Colleyville, Texas



Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.
~ Kahil Gibran

Life and loss…

For no matter how triumphant we are, no matter how high we may climb, the course of a normal life will lead us to losses.
~ Judith Vorst

Fire in our hearts…

Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something.  It is our goal in life to find it and keep it lit.
~ Mary Lou Retton

Move and shake… be careful not to shake and fake!

This is a wonderful message from my friend Gina McGowan Cade.

We must become a mover & a shaker and not a procrastinator. Where are you standing, in the forefront or behind the scenes? It’s time for us all to move up closer. We must move out of that old way of thinking that life will not amount to much. “As a man thinketh so is he.” Believe in the Lord our God that He will supply our every need. The bible tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart. Don’t blame the mishaps of your life on anyone else. If you have been turned down, looked over or even mistreated, or if you decide to lie down and cover your head – keep moving; just shake it off. Life will go on – with or without you.

Don’t just sit there like a bump on a log – become a mover and a shaker! Let’s get some things done, not just anything – positive things. We must be willing and able to make a change in our life. We must be willing to make a difference in the lives of our family members. Until we get some things right in our life, we will constantly repeat the same mistakes over and over again. The changes begin with us. Ignorance keeps us in bondage and fear opens up the door to a many of things such as legal issues, marital problems, financial heartaches and so much more. We must allow God to be God in our lives. He is our Prince of Peace; He is God all by himself. There is deliverance for us all. When others forsake us, He will be there for us. It’s up to us to acknowledge His presence; speak to Him each day, read His word on a daily basis. His word is a plan, a road map for us to find our way around life and not to bump our head or slip and fall constantly. We must send a message to the Lord telling Him what’s going on with us. He will put everything together for us according to His purpose for our life. Yes, we all have a purpose.

Movers & Shakers arise early before the sun rises with a plan in mind and on paper. The bible tells me that Faith without works is dead. The Lord will lift us up out of our wilderness especially when we are helping ourselves, no matter what it is at the time that we may be facing. He will give us the resources needed to come out of the wilderness and every tool that we need so we will not go into that same wilderness again. Don’t look to man for the resources or tools needed to come out of the wilderness because man will let us down time and time again. However, there is no lack in God. Whatever we need He will supply it for us. His desire is for us to prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. If you haven’t heard we are an heir to our Heavenly Father, meaning whatever our Father has also belongs to us.

Movers & Shakers do not wait on a hand out, they make things happen. There must be a turning point in our life; a turn for the better. The Lord has supplied us all with faith and with power. All we need to do is begin to speak positive, speak our needs and desires into existence. The provision has been made through Christ. He suffered and died on the cross just for you and for me. Thank God that the grave could not hold Him. When He rose, He arose with all power.

Let’s get busy and make some things happen in our lives for the better and also for so many other lives. He wants us to be happy, healthy and blessed people. Touch others by doing things that are not in their reach. Never assume that your problem(s) outweigh the next person’s problems. There are always others worse off than you are on any given day. We have what we need just for asking. It’s up to us to go out and tell others how to get what they need and desire.

For your sincere heart in helping others you will be blessed and not stressed. “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” The Lord is with us and will not lead us astray. He will place a burden on our heart for us to help our neighbor, our family member and even those we have never seen. We have not begun to live our life until we began helping others. Our daily prayer should be asking the Lord to place those people in our path whom He want us to be a blessing to at His appointed time.

We will find that a number of people will talk the talk but are not interested in walking the walk. Some will shake and fake; pretending that their heart is in what they promise to do and have no action behind the words. The Lord is looking for more Movers and Shakers! I declare today that I will be included as a mover and a shaker, how about you? There is faith, power and courage before, during and after the movers and shakers have spoken and performed their duties.

By: Gina McGowan Cade