2014 04 19 0654 The Right Way

What is the right way?
We all tend to say…

While I’m not sure quite exactly which is which
I do know that I have my very own way
And in this we all ultimately have our own say

So to you right here, right now, I do say
With a big smile go out into the world
And pave your own road
Mile after mile



2014 04 18 0614 The world is a dog eat dog place…

My typical routine consists of getting up early and writing.  While I do it daily, I don’t tend to share what I write with others though sometimes I do…

Following was what I had on my mind this morning at 0614.

I welcome any comments, the text reads as follows:

The world is a dog eat dog place
Where there is no room for second place

While we may condemn the nature of war
Not only is it common and natural
But as people get a taste of it
They seem to want more

Something as simple as “Protecting our Perimeter”
How many men have “Stood the Wall”
To protect what was theirs?

Would we just leisurely allow
Someone to come into our home
Take our belongings, kids and spouse?

But of course we would not!

Yet as we seek to protect
All that we’ve got

We also seek to expand
The extent of our lot




A special message for my new subscribers…

Thanks for all who have started using my new e-mail service with FeedBurner!

feedburner_logoA couple of important points about your subscription:

1) The vast majority of what I publish are translated into English and Spanish.  You will receive only one message per day, around noon EDT, with a summary of what I have published in the last 24 hours.  If I publish nothing, you receive nothing.

If you receive a message which isn’t in the language of your preference, as was the case on the message sent on Friday, March 21st, I can suggest Google Translate.  While the translations are not perfect, they give a pretty good understanding of the message.


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As always, I welcome any comments, thoughts or suggestions you might have.

Thanks for following my writing by this medium…
