Thanks for all who have started using my new e-mail service with FeedBurner!
A couple of important points about your subscription:
1) The vast majority of what I publish are translated into English and Spanish. You will receive only one message per day, around noon EDT, with a summary of what I have published in the last 24 hours. If I publish nothing, you receive nothing.
If you receive a message which isn’t in the language of your preference, as was the case on the message sent on Friday, March 21st, I can suggest Google Translate. While the translations are not perfect, they give a pretty good understanding of the message.
2) The subscription process has two steps. The first step is to enter your e-mail and the verification code in this link:
This generates an automated message which is sent to your inbox with the following subject:
Activate your Email Subscription to: ∞ Rob McBride ∞
To activate your subscription, click on the link below the first paragraph which starts with this:
and is followed by a series of letters, symbols and numbers.
As always, I welcome any comments, thoughts or suggestions you might have.
Thanks for following my writing by this medium…