If these walls could have eyes…

Hotel Pipo

If these walls could have eyes and speak of all they have seen

Perhaps the majority of time things so very mundane

Yet, I feel perhaps something strange happened

And it happened in el Hotel Pipo in room #909

If only someway, somehow…

These walls could tell…


From a gentle smile to a big round tile…

moon growsAs the days go by and the moon goes from a gentle smile to a great big round tile, she looks down on us all the while.

Day turns to night and then night turns to day as the moon continues on its merry way.

The cycle started long ago and will continue surely as long as we go.

In the mean time how about if I let you be you and you let me be me?

Together you and I have so much to see so, how about if we simply spread our wings and fly free?

November 2013

Into Eternity

eternity - roverbios 800Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
We go this way and that
As we all must

All that is in one way today
Will certainly change into
Into some other way

And though we may feel some enmity
We will blow this way and that
As we each slip into eternity

Aug 2013

* Enmity: A feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism.

Madame Butterfly

Madame Butterfly you are

Forever there

Wherever I am
I feel you there

With a flap and a flut
You strut your stuff

When I least expect it
I know you are there

So subtle and sweet
I sense you are there

And so wherever I go
You also are there

~ Dedicated to my mother “Betty Madame Butterfly” ~

Oct 2010

Barely bear it?

“If you can barely bear it, maybe it’s time to bare it and then, simply grin and bear it!”


Can this be bliss?

So many things to do
So many places to go

Going this way and that
Going that way and this

Can this be bliss?

If this is the way
Then to you I say..

Rock it,

Let’s play!

05 Mar 13