Like a broken bone leaving its mark, there are events we experience which can change us forever. They can break us into tiny pieces or make us or make us better when put back together again.
The break can come as a result of a long-standing relationship, which abruptly comes to an end; or perhaps from losing a job we thought was stable but turned sour in the end. Maybe a moment of inattention caused an accident resulting in a broken bone; or it might be that we are in wrong place at the wrong time, for someone else’s imprudent acts. Social or political situations can cause us to emigrate to other parts of the world; and other situations can cause us to feel like foreigners right where we are.
Time and time again, history tells us that most important isn’t what happens to us, rather how we react to it. Depending on the severity of the fracture we experience, sometimes a little rest is all we need to recover. At other times, more time and energy are required to get back on track again. Ultimately how we heal depends on many different factors, some internal and others external.
External factors are difficult to control, and in many cases, there is little to no chance of changing them. Internal factors are an entirely different situation. How we perceive what is happening is paramount to its resolution. We can play the role of the victim, blaming everyone and everything for out troubles; or we can play the role of the hero, taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions.

Which role do you choose to play?
∞ Rob McBride ∞
3 July 2023