Lessons Learned

We all learn many lessons as we travel along the byways of life. Following are some I have learned:

  • I am grateful for this day
  • I empower the past
  • I have hope for the future
  • I live in the moment
  • I take action today
  • I keep busy
  • I do what is important
  • I am useful to others
  • I believe in a higher power
You can see these AFFIRMATIONS behind each of the harmonica photos above on my Instagram account.


As you look through this list, you can see that each comes in the form of an affirmation. This too is another lesson I have learned. While affirmations may sound strange initially, especially if we are not walking the talk; our mind obeys the instructions we give it. Affirmations bring our hopes and dreams into the present.
We can easily present these same lessons as declarations:

  • I will be grateful for this day
  • I will empower the past
  • I will have hope for the future
  • I will live in the moment
  • I will take action today
  • I will keep busy
  • I will do what is important
  • I will be useful to others
  • I will believe in a higher power

Declarations often sound very nice and noble, but can come up short for one simple reason, they depend on our “will” and our “willpower” can flag when we need it most to achieve our goals and objectives. It’s not enough to know what we want. We all want something in life, but to get there, we most often have to do something more than sitting around hoping it may someday happen.

You can see some of my favorite DECLARATIONS behind each of the pictures above on my Instagram account.


Affirmations are much different. They don’t talk about what we might one day do, rather about what we can do, right now.

Why is this important and why should you care?

Our minds are like gardens. The better we take care of them, the more amazing they can become. If we are filling our thoughts with vague notions of what our lives might one day be, our minds can easily overlook the information as no more than another item on our never-ending list of To Do’s.

A lack of willpower can quickly douse the greatest of plans. Rather than conditioning our minds to do something in the future, we can instead prepare the garden of our mind with rich, fertile soil to grow and prosper to its full potential by using affirmations which indicate exactly what we need to do, to get to where we want to be.

Over the years I have made many declarations to myself, and others, with varying degrees of success. Of the most important of my lessons learned in life, I am convinced it makes much more sense to affirm what we want in life right now than declare what may one day be.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
17 Mar 2022
LL V 19