A reflection over this present moment as it relates to the past and to the future.
Why are we all here?
What is this all for?
As for me, I’m not really sure, but I do know that there seems to be some grand plan behind all we have before us, and take granted for, on a daily basis. Could it be simple chance that everything works so perfectly? The sun and the clouds, the mountains and the streams, the birds and the bees, as well as you and me?
Doesn’t it all seem eerily perfect, as if the ideal picture of what Heaven can truly be?
And it is indeed Heaven, when we see it that way. Every breath of air we take is a blessing from some place which many seek to explain and understand, yet few know for sure the truth of it all; and of those who claim they do, I doubt much of what they say as well.
Can any of us truly know what all this craziness about us has to do with time, in the grand scheme of things? Can what we do today or tomorrow really make any difference in the grand scheme of it all?
I think so…
After all, we only ever have this moment right now and magic can happen when we least expect it. If you think about it, anything can happen in the next 24 hours, but much more than that, the future will be influenced by what we do in this exact instant of time, because it is all we ever really have.
Is this all nonsense?
This may be, but yet for some reason I come here to try and make sense of all of this with you; and too with myself in attempt to gain a better understanding of our existence.
Does it really matter?
Is it important?
Again, I think so. How many of us get up each day and go about our way without every really thinking about what is important in life?
Most of us, I would say. So it can pay great dividends to take a moment and reflect about our place in the whole scheme of things, as you too are now doing, since you are still with me. Are we only here on Earth to go through the motions without ever considering how what we do influences our surroundings.
Think for a moment about possibility. It is always present and in this exact instant, we can set into motion our greatest dreams and desires. But, we need to take action to do so, otherwise the song remains the same. Consider the following:
If you have a deep desire to get in touch with someone who was an important part of your life, you can do so. You may or may not meet with success, or you may even create a problem where there is none. But right now, without over-thinking it, you can initiate the process. That one call, e-mail, SMS, or Whatsapp could change your life forever.
That friend could be someone you always wanted to start a business with, or perhaps an old flame which never extinguished. Or it could be nothing at all. Maybe all that happens as a result is the exchange which goes something like this: “Hey how are you?” Being responded with a, “Fine, thanks,” with a little emoji and a thumbs up sign to to confirm this to be true. My point is that something is set in motion by virtually all we do.
Maybe you always wanted to live in a certain neighborhood, or in a particular house. Recently you saw a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, and you are wondering if you should call or not. You know it would cause major disruption in your life and is an expense you can ill afford, but, it’s your dream house!
You could pick up the phone right now, call the Realtor and ask to go see the home. So many possibilities open up from there, one of which could be a curt response saying it has already been sold. But so too, it could lead to you actually living in that home you always dreamed of. It could happen, but it only if you do something. There is no other option. No tomorrow, only now. Tomorrow may be to late and yesterday already happened.
Life doesn’t happen then and there, rather here and now. It is not about what once was, or what one day will be. There is magic in this moment, and this special quality has to be with the seed of possibility. You can plant a seed right now, right here today, which can change your life forever.
We can begin to pursue our passions, instead of punching the clock for some crass, ungrateful asshole. We can begin to march to the beat of our own drum, rather than getting beat over the head by some stupid idiot. We can begin to do as we please, rather than doing as we are told.
In 24 hours, our lives can be completely different than they are right now, depending on what we do right now, in this moment. If we are content with what we are doing, how we are doing it, and who we are doing it with; by all means let’s just keep doing that, thank you very much! But if not, why not do something to change it.
If we are in an impossible work situation, we can do something right now to change it. We can ask for a transfer to a different department, or update our resume to look for another position. We can learn more about what really interests us, and consider how we can do what we love, and get paid for it.
Life is an open playing field for all. There is absolutely no one who can limit what we can achieve, except for ourselves. We can look to any type of job or business and find people who have come all different areas of life to become one of the best in their business.
Without a doubt, some are given many more opportunities to succeed, and this helps many, though hinders others who are given the exact same set of circumstances, but screw it up despite the most favorable of conditions.
So too there are those who are born under the worst of circumstance, and with the most undesirable upbringings, who become super stars in what they do.
Why do some rise to the top of the heap in their chosen field of endeavor; while others sink to the bottom, regardless of what they choose to do?
While many factors are certainly attributable to our ultimate success and failure in life, one key ingredient seems to be to remain in the magic of this moment, rather than being allured away to the past or the future. While the past creates our present state, only what we do (or do not do) right now ultimately influences our future.
It’s really quite simple. What we do in this instant creates our future, for better or worse.
If we are happy with the direction we are going, let’s keep headed there, if not, and if we feel have not yet achieved our full potential, or if there is some aspect in our lives which is not ideal; then it’s time to do something about it.
Isn’t this what sets winners apart from losers?
Though, in reality, what is “winning” or “losing” but a perception of a situation?
Some of those who have had the biggest failures in life sometimes end up with outstanding success. While those who have been on top of the world can too fall to the depths of depression. Once again, I propose that life is not about what happened there and then, or about what one day might be, but only about this moment, right here, right now.
Everything happens right now, in this moment.
If we content with how things, let’s party on Wayne: if not, why not use this moment to do something about it?
Is all just as you want it to be, or is there something you would like to do to change about your current circumstance?
∞ Rob McBride ∞
13 Dec 2021
LL V 16