Lunar Letter / The Well of Abundance

We have the power to create a Well of Abundance in our lives. Nevertheless, most of us never create abundance that goes beyond solving our immediate necessities. Let’s look at an analogy that can generate this magic element which we all desire.

It is estimated that rivers and lakes contain only about 3% of the entire amount of the world’s freshwater which is so vital for our survival. The water that is not in rivers and lakes is stored under the earth’s surface in different forms and depths.

When we begin to drill a well, we arrive rapidly to what is called the water table. We find water but it is not constant or reliable. It is affected by local conditions such as changes in the seasons and climactic conditions. Water which is found at deeper levels is stored in aquifers. The quality and quantity of this water is more constant and reliable because it comes from sources that are not as affected by local conditions.

You are probably asking:

“What does this have to do with me and abundance in my life?”

In the beginning, we all take advantage of the abundance which is readily available. In our example this can be represented by the rivers and lakes. This source of abundance is rapidly depleted and we must work harder and drill deeper to once again find that which we desire.

Frequently, we stop as soon as we achieve initial levels of success, the water table. Since this is affected by local conditions, there comes a point when the source is no longer constant or reliable. Often we do not deepen our existing well to find the aquifer which will provide a steady stream of abundance, but rather go in search of another nearby well which gives immediate satisfaction.

Most often the best response to a lack of abundance in our lives is not to go find another well but to dig deeper into the one we currently have to find a constant source of abundance.

Any position and any type of work have potential. When we continue to dig, investigate and learn everything about our business and work, we will arrive at the aquifers that are not so affected by seasons and changes. We achieve stability in our business and our lives which are converted into a Well of Abundance.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

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