We all think about the nature of time. The Latin phrase Carpe Diem (seize the day) has become part of our vocabulary. The essence of time took on particular significance recently when I decided to wait until the following day to take a photo of a spectacular flower.
For you, my Lunar Letter friend, a poem reflecting my thoughts about the experience:
The luster of life burns bright
Five precious petals reflect in the light
A wonder to behold
to grab onto and hold
A moment of fleeting thought
The beauty nature has brought
Oh, to capture such spectacular splendor
A photo to remember, recall and then render
No doubt to delight, develop insight and pleasure
An experience to recreate, appreciate and treasure
Moved by a desire to shake, bake and take action
Put aside believing it would hold its attraction
The following morning the sun burns bright
The dew shimmers and shines in the light
Deception upon waking and having found
Five lifeless petals lying on the ground
Yesterday is wistful memory; tomorrow an unfulfilled promise and today a truly magnificent miracle. Carpe Diem!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
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