Experience and our thought process determine our degree of confidence. Thought drives personal power as well as our ability to achieve goals and objectives. Throughout the ages, men and women have contemplated ways to strengthen our personal power through thought.
Plato said:
“The human body is the carriage; the self is the driver; thoughts are the reins and feelings the horses.”
To take hold of “the reins of life” we must control our thinking.
Thoughts track the progress of our journey. Feelings test our hold on the reins of thought. In a moment of carelessness, we can inadvertently release the reins. Should we do so, our carriage wanders recklessly without direction or destiny. Taking control of the reins of thought once again is difficult; meanwhile, the horses run unhindered. Our emotions can be rebellious; to keep them under control, we must hold firmly to the reins of thought.
Montaigne said:
“Each man is as well or as badly off as he thinks he is.”
Keeping firm hold on the reins of thought in turbulent and challenging times is the difference between arriving at our destination or deviating to unknown and undesired locales.
When we release the reins of thought, our emotions take control of our course. We then become passengers instead of directors of our destiny. To take control of our direction, we can change the way we think about the circumstances which constantly cross our path. If we believe occurrences to be obstacles which block our path, we will mire in the muck and mud. If, on the other hand, we believe events to be a natural part of being, we will find elegant solutions to the challenges which cross our path.
Losing one’s job, for example, is certainly an event which creates chaos. We can lament the cruel cards we have been dealt or establish new roads and carry on. Life doesn’t care which direction we choose. It is the power of thought which determines our reaction and route.
Our thinking dictates the strength of our personal power. Taking control of the reins of thought determines our direction and destiny.
It’s the Bounce that Counts!
∞ Rob McBride ∞
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