For quite some time now, I have had a love affair with Natural Law, which I see as nothing more than the natural order established by the universe and nature. Nevertheless, I am coming to believe the Law of Man, can also gives us tremendous benefits, as it gives order to a world which often seems to have no order.
In the case of Venezuela, the country I have called home now for many years, the current situation has made me realize that the law which currently predominates here is Natural Law. The results are not good. The law which up until now has seemed to be so nice and pretty, suddenly doesn’t seem so noble.
To further explain my point, let’s look at some of the differences between Natural Law and Man’s Law:
- Natural Law condemns and executes, without judgment and without mercy
- Man’s Law considers and contemplates, before then passing judgment
- Natural Law can wipe out an entire city in catastrophe, without batting an eye
- Man’s Law looks to protect against this and other types of calamity
- Natural law allows the strongest to take the lion’s share of about anything
- Man’s Law looks to divide everything more or less evenly
Natural Law requires we be always aware of any danger
Man’s Law allows us to live in peace and tranquility
So it’s worth asking ourselves:
By which of these laws would we prefer to live, Natural Law or Man’s Law?
While I realize that Natural Law will eventually takes its course, I am grateful for Man’s Law, which allows us to live in peace and tranquility, in a world ruled by aggressivity and noise.
The river will continue to follow its course, and the world will continue turning. In the meantime, ours is to look for and make sense out of what frequently makes no sense. If you would have asked me yesterday:
“Rob, what path would you prefer, the one following Natural Law, or the one continuing along Man’s Law?
Without hesitation, I would have answered, “Natural Law, of course!”
Now, after analyzing the situation from various points of view, to write this Lunar Letter, I have another perspective, another idea about how to best proceed. Our emotions, as well as our fears and doubts, are often generated by a recurring battle we have inside our mind about what we “should” do, according to what we have been taught and what we “feel” we should do inside our heart.
We should remain aware of the power of Natural Law, and what it can make us do. When we least expect it, Natural Law can take control of our most basic instincts, turning us into no more than simple animals.
My recommendation is quite simple, but far from easy. We can be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem, showing respect both for Natural Law and Man’s Law. In this way, we can begin to live in a society where the peace and tranquility are the order of the day, with harmony reigning between man and nature; instead of so much hate and hostility we so commonly experience from day to day.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL IV 11