Lunar Letter / Pay the Price?

Are you willing to pay the price to get what you want?


At first glance, it seems like a simple question, and initially most of us would likely say, “Yes, I am willing to pay the price!” But as we look a little deeper, we find that we are not always quite so willing to pay the price necessary to get something, particularly if it seems too expensive.

Let’s look at an straightforward example: We go to the supermarket for bread, milk, eggs, and butter. When we get to the cash register, we are told how much we must pay for the purchase. Depending on our financial situation, and our hunger, we decide whether to pay the price or not. If we choose not to buy anything, we leave the store satisfied we will not pay such high prices, but without the food we need to satiate our hunger. If, on the other hand, we have sufficient cash flow and the prices seem reasonable, we leave with everything we we want. As another option, we may decide to buy only a one or two items to take care of our present hunger with the resources we have available.

Life is very similar. Getting what we want can be rather simple, nevertheless, a price must be paid and this can complicate matters. To be a superstar, it’s often necessary to make sacrifices. Some may even argue that it’s not possible to get famous without stepping on a few toes along the way, and not everyone is willing to do so. If you must choose between an important presentation allowing you to climb the ladder of professional success and an activity in your child’s school, some will choose the first option and others the second. Both options are valid, our answer depends on the price we are willing to pay.


The price we have to pay for an education is time, money, and effort; but the investment tends to pay great dividends later. Paying attention to our children, taking care of their necessities, and teaching them to be productive members of society is a job that has no monetary pay, but can bring great satisfaction with positive results. Obtaining a better home, or a new car, requires discipline, savings, and perseverance; but living in a nice place and driving a new car, also has its benefits.

Many times the cost we must pay is emotional. Choosing one road, we leave many more untraveled. Deciding to get married to someone, excludes the rest. Choosing one job, we leave aside many other possibilities. Spending our money on one thing, we can’t buy another.

The ultimate price that can be paid is the one we pay with our lives. Some people in Venezuela, where I have lived for many years, have paid this great price recently in search of liberty. We will see in the coming weeks, months, and years, whether it brings fruit or if it was in vain.


There isn’t a magic answer in terms of what price is right for us to pay to achieve our dreams. Some people are willing to give their lives in the pursuit of their objectives; while others have difficulty getting off the couch to change the channel on the television, if the remote isn’t working.

Establishing a balance between what we want and what we are willing to pay is like walking a tightrope. A mistake to either side can mean sudden death. Instead of letting life’s haphazard course determine our future, we can determine the route we want to take and the price we are willing to pay. Then with the rudder of life firmly in hand, we can pay a fair price, without hesitation, to get to where we most desire.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL IV 44