Lunar Letter / A Feast Fit for a King

We each offer a product or a service daily. Often the product we offer is our capacity to be a better spouse, parent, employer or employee. “A Feast Fit for a King” is particularly relevant for people in sales though each of us “sells” constantly in some way, shape or form.

When is the best time to ask someone to make a decision about our offer?

The most obvious answer is when the recipient has all the information and is predisposed to accept our suggestions.

Suppose we are preparing a Feast Fit for a King for someone special. We go to the supermarket, buy the ingredients for the meal, a nice bottle of wine and candles to create the perfect atmosphere.

While we prepare the meal, we think of all the details. The precise moment to put each course into the oven, the table setting and the music we want to hear. When everything is ready, we sit down at the table with our loved one to enjoy a Feast Fit for a King.

When is the best time to enjoy each succulent bite?

It is in that instant, of course!

Something similar happens when we talk to a client.  We diligently do the following:

Contact the person

Qualify their capacity to buy

Investigate necessities and desires

Present our offering in terms of benefits

Respond to concerns with confidence and conviction

After we have expertly followed each step, we can ask for a decision without fear and without fumbling. While the words are not nearly as important as the intent, we can say, for example, “Let’s get things going; I just need your approval.”

Amazing as it may seem, studies have shown the majority of sales calls end without the salesperson ever asking for the order! At the end of the presentation, the salesperson typically mumbles something like, “What do you think?” to which the person eloquently replies, “Let me think about it, and I’ll call you…”

We know from experience, the promise of “I’ll call you…” is typically an empty promise designed to get rid of salespeople.

What can we do?

Just as the best time to eat a Feast Fit for a King is in this instant, the best time to highlight the benefits of our offer and to ask someone to make a decision is at the same time we have given them all the information they need.

If we put our Feast Fit for a King in the refrigerator and take it out the next day, it may still taste great, although it may never be as good as the moment it was first prepared. Similarly, a person is most likely to make a favorable decision immediately after we have “served” our proposal.

Rather than packing our bags and heading for the nearest exit in defeat, we should do everything possible to urge people to make a decision now and not later. Often, the worst thing we can do is to do nothing at all.

While there are no magic words or secret formulas to achieve our objectives 100% of the time, we can enter into every situation prepared to give our very best with confidence we will achieve our purpose. When we take action and ask people to make a decision, we determine our direction and drive our destiny.

In April, 2005 Lunar Letter, we conducted a survey regarding the following question:

“How do you overcome Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts to be more productive?”

The most frequent response from our readers was to, “Take Action!”

Take action today to empower excellence tomorrow.

May 2005

Lunar Letter / FUDs, You’re Fired!

Our lives are a collection of emotions and events which mold us with power and satisfaction or with weakness and discontent. In his book Thinkertoys, Michael Michalko mentions three elements which kill creative energy and control many of our thoughts and actions.

F ears

U ncertainties

D oubts

There are times when Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts play a critical role in our lives. If we are in a situation where a very hungry animal is chasing us in hopes of an easy meal, Fear better kick in to create the adrenaline we need to survive. Today, the animals most likely and capable of “eating us” are other human beings!

While it is important to have a certain degree of fear and precaution for protection, FUDs are most likely emotions which diminish power instead of adding value to our personal development.

For example, a salesperson goes to present a new product to the company’s most valuable customer. She has been chosen because of her capacity to consistently make difficult sales and this sale could be the difference between a successful product launch and complete failure. She is a professional and has a terrific knowledge of her product and the benefits the customer will derive from the purchase. Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts take control as she waits in the reception area for her appointment.

  • What if they don’t like the product?
  • What if I forget everything I am going to say?
  • If I don’t close this sale, I may be fired on the spot!

These emotions create panic. Instead of concentrating on her knowledge and success, she is thrown into the paralysis of analysis. Her marvelous mind which should be focused on the preparation of the last several weeks is now consumed by possible failure.

Our minds are powerful machines which generally obey the instructions we give them thousands of times each day. We say, “Open the door!” and magically our arm and hand coordinate to open the door. All we achieve is directly connected with a thought, action or reaction.

FUDs are frequently the cause of our most trying times. I suggest we Fire the FUDs! Just get rid of them. When Fear, Uncertainty or Doubts enter our mind, we must have the power to replace them with Conviction, Certainty and Confidence.

What’s the alternative? The minutes, hours and days flow like a river on its ever changing course. We can create our direction and destiny with powerful thoughts or diminish desire with FUDs. Let’s firmly grasp the helm of life and enjoy this incredible journey we call life.

April 2005

Lunar Letter / Demoler los DIMs

Nuestras vidas están llenas de acontecimientos, emociones y eventos que moldean nuestro ser con poder  y satisfacción o con debilidad y desagrado. En su libro Thinkertoys, Michael Michalko menciona tres elementos que destruyen nuestra energía creativa e influyen sobre nuestros pensamientos y acciones:

D udas

I ncertidumbre

M iedos

Hay momentos cuando las Dudas, las Incertidumbres y los Miedos pueden jugar un rol primordial en nuestras vidas. Sobre todo en una situación donde estemos a punto de ser devorados por un animal feroz con mucha hambre. Aún así, en la actualidad los animales que están más capaces de <<comernos>>, ¡generalmente son otros seres humanos!

Si bien debiéramos tener cierto nivel de miedo y precaución para protegernos, los DIMs generalmente son emociones que restan poder en vez de agregar valor en nuestro crecimiento personal.

Tomemos el ejemplo de una vendedora que va a presentar un producto nuevo al cliente más importante de su empresa. Ella ha sido seleccionada porque es la mejor vendedora de la empresa y esta venta puede ser la diferencia entre un lanzamiento exitoso del producto y un fracaso total. Ella es un profesional y posee un extraordinario conocimiento de su producto y los beneficios que adquirirá su cliente al comprarlo. Ella llega a la empresa y mientras espera a que la atienden, se congela con Dudas, Incertidumbres y Miedos.

  • ¿Qué tal si no les gusta el producto?
  • ¿Qué pasa si se me olvida lo que voy a decir?
  • Si no logro esta venta, ¡es posible que me despidan!

Estas emociones crean un estado de pánico. En vez de concentrarse en sus conocimientos y éxitos, se queda paralizado. Su mente maravillosa que debería estar enfocada en lo que ha preparado durante las últimas semanas, se centra en su posible fracaso.

Nuestras mentes son poderosas y generalmente obedecen las instrucciones que les damos miles de veces al día. Le decimos – ¡Abre la puerta! y como si fuera magia, nuestro brazo y mano coordinan para abrir la puerta. No hay nada que logremos en la vida que no comience con un pensamiento, acción o reacción.

Los DIMs suelen ser la causa de nuestros momentos más molestos. Propongo ¡Demoler los DIMs! Vamos a sacarlas de nuestro inventario de emociones. Cuando tengamos una Duda, una Incertidumbre o un Miedo en nuestra mente podemos reemplazarla con Convicción, Certeza y Confianza.

¿Cuál es la alternativa?

Los minutos, horas y días pasan como un río en su cauce. Podemos dar dirección a nuestro destino con pensamientos poderosos o disminuir nuestra eficacia con los DIMs. Escojamos tomar el timón de nuestra vida para disfrutar este camino increíble que llamamos vida.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 23

Lunar Letter / “Retensive Learning”

Our ability to recall and retain information is influenced tremendously by the type of communication we utilize and the method we use to follow up on the ideas.  In a recent scientific study, psychologist William Glasser discovered that we retain:

10 % of what we read

20 % of what we hear

30 % of what we see

50 % of what we see & hear

70 % of what we DISCUSS

80 % of what we EXPERIENCE

95 % of what we TEACH

In addition, a Stanford University study established that when a person hears an idea once, 68% is forgotten within 48 hours and more than 90% is forgotten in 30 days.

The primary challenge in learning is to take action on the ideas in order to solidify the impact on our personal and professional development.  It is common to read a book, listen to somebody or participate in an event and then fail to instill the ideas by following up adequately.

I have created a training technique establishing concrete parameters to solidify learning.  I call it “Retensive Learning.”  The program starts by focusing on specific behavior which we want to modify or reinforce.  We then use periodic modules to stimulate and encourage participants to discuss, experiment with and teach each of the tools learned.

“Retensive Learning” intensifies the learning process by firmly establishing desired behaviors.  We thus successfully embed effective routines and habits in the daily lives of individuals.

There are books, conferences and workshops which introduce incredible ideas for a better way of life.  Without specific programmed follow up, the ideas fall by the wayside.  “Retensive Learning” institutes a plan of action which initiates a precise powerful way to create compelling behavioral change.

March 2005

Lunar Letter / “Aprendizaje Retensivo”

Los canales de comunicación y el seguimiento que realizamos afectan nuestra capacidad de aprender y retener información. En un reciente estudio científico, el psicólogo William Glasser descubrió que retenemos:

10 % de lo que leemos

20 % de lo que escuchamos

30 % de lo que vemos

50 % de lo que vemos y escuchamos

70 % de lo que DISCUTIMOS

80 % de lo que EXPERIMENTAMOS

95 % de lo que ENSEÑAMOS

Adicionalmente, un estudio de la Universidad de Stanford estableció que después de escuchar una idea una sola vez que olvida un 68% de lo que escucha en 48 horas y un 90% en 30 días.

El desafío principal del aprendizaje es tomar acción para solidificar la importancia que tendría esta en nuestro desempeño profesional y personal.  Es común leer un libro, escuchar a una persona o participar en un evento y luego dejar de hacerle un seguimiento adecuado para asentar lo aprendido.

He creado un plan de entrenamiento que establece parámetros concretos que precisan y  clarifican lo aprendido.  Lo he llamado “Aprendizaje Retensivo”, el cual comienza desarrollando un comportamiento específico que queremos reforzar o modificar.  Posteriormente trabajamos en módulos para estimular e incitar a los participantes a discutir, experimentar y enseñar las herramientas adquiridas

El “Aprendizaje Retensivo” profundiza el proceso de conocimiento fijando los comportamientos deseados y estableciendo nuevas conductas.  De esta forma logramos influir sobre las rutinas y hábitos que forman parte del día a día de los individuos.

Hay libros, conferencias y talleres que presentan ideas increíbles para una mejor forma de vida.  Sin un seguimiento programado y preciso las ideas se quedan cortas.  “Aprendizaje Retensivo” instituye un plan de acción que crea una forma concisa y contundente de crear cambios de comportamiento.

∞ Rob McBride ∞
LL I 22

Lunar Letter / Rebote Corporativo

Las compañías, como las personas, tienen que Rebotar de situaciones desafiantes si quieren continuar siendo vigentes. Es imprescindible surgir y seguir después de haber caído para volar con las águilas.

Con su elocuente y resonante voz, Martin Luther King Jr. decía:

“La forma de medir a un hombre no es por lo que hace en momentos de comodidad y conveniencia,
sino por lo que hace en momentos de desafío y controversia.”

Igualmente, la mejor forma de medir a una empresa es por su capacidad de surgir en momentos difíciles. Frecuentemente, los ciclos corporativos se parecen a los de una pelota que rebota, La cual pasa por periodos de expansión, recesión y recuperación.

Mientras que estas etapas suelen ser bien definidas y hay factores económicos que actúan sobre ellas, es posible influir positivamente sobre estos ciclos para extender las etapas favorables y rebotar más rápidamente de las negativas. Disminuir el tiempo cuando una compañía se quede en la parte más baja del Rebote, incrementa las ganancias corporativas y aumenta la satisfacción laboral de los empleados.

Para lograr un Rebote Corporativo lo siguiente es fundamental:
No solo tener una Visión, Misión y Objetivos, sino también adherirse a los principios
Un plan que consiste no solo en palabras sino en un plan de acción concreto
Un sistema de remuneración que premie a los empleados más efectivos
Una jerarquía que permita un proceso de toma de decisiones eficaz
Un sistema que premie la innovación y no castigue la creatividad
Una apertura para reconocer debilidades y oportunidades
Un ambiente que promueva la acción e innovación
Una organización que apalanque sus fortalezas.
Un ambiente sin temor a la crítica

Podríamos decir: “Muy bonito en teoría, pero ¿Qué tal llevarlo a la práctica? Las decisiones que impulsan positivamente a una compañía suelen surgir de los propietarios y los gerentes. También es cierto que una idea que hace la diferencia entre permanecer en las profundidades más bajos o un Rebote sobresaliente puede venir de cualquier nivel y ocurre en cualquier momento.

Para que fluyen estas ideas con más facilidad, es esencial es crear un entorno donde las personas tengan confianza de expresar su creatividad. Las empresas que logren implementar estrategias que crean un ambiente positivo para el Rebote Corporativo son las que cambien, innoven y se actualicen hoy, para ser campeones mañana.

¡Es el Rebote lo que nos Lleva al Tope!

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 21

Lunar Letter / Corporate Bounce

Companies, like people, must Bounce back from challenging situations if they want to remain in business. It is imperative to rise and roar after falling or failing in order to soar with the eagles.

With his powerful, eloquent voice, Martin Luther King Jr. said:

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Similarly, the ultimate measure of a company is its capacity to Bounce back from difficult circumstances. Frequently, corporate cycles are very similar to those of a bouncing ball; they pass through periods of expansion, recession and recuperation.

While these stages are normally well defined and there are economic factors which exert influence, it is possible to positively influence these cycles to prolong those which are most favorable and Bounce back more rapidly from those which are negative. Diminishing the time when a company is at the bottom of a Bounce enhances profitability and increases employee satisfaction.

To achieve a more effective Corporate Bounce the following are fundamental:

  • A plan with Vision, Mission and Objective and a method of measuring adherence to those principles.
  • A plan which consists not only of words but also a definite course of action
  • A system which rewards innovation and doesn’t inhibit creativity
  • A compensation system which rewards outstanding employees
  • A hierarchy which streamlines the decision making process
  • A willingness to recognize weaknesses and limitations
  • An atmosphere promoting action and innovation
  • An organization which leverages its strengths
  • An environment without fear of criticism

We can say, “Sounds good in theory, but what about putting it into practice?” Decisions which positively influence a company normally come from owners and managers. It is also true that an idea which can make a tremendous difference between remaining in the depths of doldrums or brilliant Bounce can come from any level in the organization and at any time.

For these ideas to flow freely, it is essential to create an environment where people have confidence to express their creativity. Companies successfully implementing these strategies create an atmosphere conducive to Bouncing back and are those which change, innovate and actualize today, to be champions tomorrow

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 21

Lunar Letter / The Resilience of a Sponge

Our ability to “Bounce Back” and move forward is an attribute which provides confidence and security to face life’s most challenging situations. The analogy of a bouncing ball rebounding in spite of adversity is a powerful metaphor as is the resiliency of a sponge. While the physical characteristics of a bouncing ball and a sponge are very different, there are noteworthy similarities.

A sponge after being twisted and tortured returns to its original state. While there is a definite limit to the abuse it can take, the sponge is resilient and “Bounces Back” to its initial form. We can learn much from the sponge both in its natural state in the ocean and its commercial state with which we are more familiar.

The living sponge we find in the ocean regenerates itself when cut from its base for
commercial use. The treated sponge we buy in the store is remarkable in its ability to store water (information) and to return to its original state (Bounce Back) after being used and abused. When we face our challenges as if we were a sponge, we encounter new found significance in the most trying times of our lives.

“Resilience” is “The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed; elasticity.” This is the essence of the sponge. Our capacity to return to our, “original state,” after being bent, stretched and twisted by the dynamic cycles of life is a worthy goal, while our ability to improve and learn through these challenges is ideal.

Those who achieve impressive feats in life are those who have the ability to look at problems as challenges and who are not afraid of failure. Failure is neither good nor bad, it simply is. Some of the most incredible discoveries have been the result of tremendous failures and harsh criticism.

A positive attitude, focus, flexibility, organization and initiative are characteristics which allow us to have the resilience of a sponge to Bounce Back from any situation which arises.

  • A positive attitude drives us to see problems as challenges
  • Intense focus permits us to continue on the right track
  • Flexibility creates a myriad of appealing alternatives
  • Organization facilitates the direction our destiny
  • Initiative compels us in the direction we desire

Success is not an accident, rather it is the result of the decisions we make daily. When we become aware of the way in which we see the world and, specifically, how we view our own trials and tribulations, we embark on a journey which illuminates the beauty of each stride in this incredible adventure we call life.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 20