Lunar Letter / Acción Efectiva

Muchos conocemos las palabras de San Mateo 7:7.

“Pida, y se le dará; busque, y encontrará; llame, y se le abrirá.”

Independientemente de las creencias religiosas que tengamos, las palabras son mágicas porque abren puertas que de otra manera se quedarían cerradas. Para lograr nuestros objetivos y abrir puertas siempre tenemos que tomar acciones.

A su vez, no es suficiente simplemente pedir, buscar y llamar. Sin duda, son los primeros pasos y sin ellos “no vamos p’al baile”. Pero lo más importante es pedir, buscar y llamar “efectivamente” para conseguir lo que más deseamos. Cuando tomamos una acción y no alcanzamos lo que queremos se genera frustración.

Por ejemplo:

  • Si llegamos a la puerta principal de una casa enorme y la tocamos suavemente, nadie nos escuchará para dejarnos entrar. Al contrario, si golpeamos la puerta fuertemente con nuestros puños, la puerta si se abrirá y seguramente con un dueño furioso queriendo saber que queremos. Tocar la puerta no garantiza que se nos va abrir.
  • En el mundo de las ventas, y en cierta forma todos somos vendedores, tenemos que hacer siempre un contacto con alguien para vender nuestro producto o servicio. Muchos piensan equivocadamente que si hacen muchos contactos, automáticamente tendrán éxito. En realidad es necesario realizar contactos efectivos que satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros clientes.

Hay diferentes formas de asegurar que pidamos, busquemos y llamemos efectivamente. Una manera es reducirlo en términos de eppa², mi formula para adquirir confianza y éxito:

Experiencia: Energizar nuestra experiencia hoy para ser más efectivos mañana.

Preparación: Prepararnos con anticipación para crear confianza.

Perseverancia: Perseverar para alcanzar y mantener el éxito.

Actitud²: Crear una óptima actitud².

Tomar acción no es suficiente para lograr nuestros objetivos. Tenemos que tomar acción efectiva. Podemos energizar nuestra experiencia, preparar, perseverar y mantener una excelente actitud². De esta forma aseguramos que cuando pidamos, busquemos y llamemos tendremos éxito.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 12

Lunar Letter / The Well of Abundance

We have the power to create a Well of Abundance in our lives. Nevertheless, most of us never create abundance that goes beyond solving our immediate necessities. Let’s look at an analogy that can generate this magic element which we all desire.

It is estimated that rivers and lakes contain only about 3% of the entire amount of the world’s freshwater which is so vital for our survival. The water that is not in rivers and lakes is stored under the earth’s surface in different forms and depths.

When we begin to drill a well, we arrive rapidly to what is called the water table. We find water but it is not constant or reliable. It is affected by local conditions such as changes in the seasons and climactic conditions. Water which is found at deeper levels is stored in aquifers. The quality and quantity of this water is more constant and reliable because it comes from sources that are not as affected by local conditions.

You are probably asking:

“What does this have to do with me and abundance in my life?”

In the beginning, we all take advantage of the abundance which is readily available. In our example this can be represented by the rivers and lakes. This source of abundance is rapidly depleted and we must work harder and drill deeper to once again find that which we desire.

Frequently, we stop as soon as we achieve initial levels of success, the water table. Since this is affected by local conditions, there comes a point when the source is no longer constant or reliable. Often we do not deepen our existing well to find the aquifer which will provide a steady stream of abundance, but rather go in search of another nearby well which gives immediate satisfaction.

Most often the best response to a lack of abundance in our lives is not to go find another well but to dig deeper into the one we currently have to find a constant source of abundance.

Any position and any type of work have potential. When we continue to dig, investigate and learn everything about our business and work, we will arrive at the aquifers that are not so affected by seasons and changes. We achieve stability in our business and our lives which are converted into a Well of Abundance.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 11

Lunar Letter / El Pozo de la Abundancia

Tenemos el poder de crear un Pozo de Abundancia en nuestras vidas. Sin embargo la gran mayoría de nosotros nunca pensamos en las formas de crear abundancia más allá de nuestras necesidades inmediatas. Veamos una analogía para crear esta elemento que todos anhelamos.

El agua es imprescindible para vivir y se estima que el agua potable en los ríos y lagos del mundo representa solamente el 3% de todo el agua potable que existe en el mundo. El agua que no se encuentra

en los ríos y lagos se almacena en la tierra en distintas formas y en diferentes profundidades.

Cuando comenzamos a perforar un pozo, llegamos rápidamente a lo que se llama la tabla del agua. Encontramos agua pero no es ni constante ni confiable. Es afectada por condiciones locales como las estaciones y las lluvias. El agua que se encuentra al profundizar el pozo se almacena en acuíferos. La calidad y cantidad del agua es más constante y confiable porque viene fuentes que no son tan afectadas por condiciones locales.

Estarán preguntando:
-¿Qué tiene que ver todo esto conmigo y con la abundancia de mi vida?

Todos aprovechamos primero de aquella abundancia que está que esta a la simple vista. En nuestro ejemplo puede ser representado por el agua en los ríos y los lagos. Rápidamente se acaba esta fuente de abundancia y comenzamos a perforar y trabajar hasta conseguir más abundancia.

Frecuentemente, paramos inmediatamente cuando llegamos a lo que estamos buscando, a la tabla del agua. Como ésta es afectada por condiciones locales, no es ni constante ni confiable y llega un momento en que acaba el fruto del pozo.

Suele ocurrir que no profundizamos en el mismo pozo en que estamos para encontrar el acuífero cuya abundancia es constante. Buscamos otro pozo cercano que nos da una solución rápida. Normalmente la mejor respuesta para una falta de abundancia en nuestros pozos no consiste en encontrar “otro pozo”, sino profundizar en el que ya tenemos para conseguir una fuente constante de abundancia.

Cada trabajo y posición tiene potencial. Cuando seguimos perforando, investigando y aprendiendo todo acerca de nuestro negocio y trabajo, llegamos a los acuíferos que no se afectan tanto por las temporadas ni las condiciones transitorias. Logramos una estabilidad en nuestro negocio y nuestras vidas que se convierte en un Pozo de Abundancia.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 11

Lunar Letter / More Bang for your Bounce

Life is cyclical in nature and we are on a never ending roller coaster of emotions. As we travel through the roller coaster of life, we experience a wide range of emotions and feelings. Commencing our journey we are filled with excitement and expectation. We learn and grow as we initiate a steep climb that is frequently interrupted by twists and turns. As we move towards our goal, we feel exhilaration and anticipation of what is yet to come.

For many of us the culmination of our studies whether it be high school, college or beyond signifies the attainment of a tremendous goal. To be sure it is a wonderful achievement and is a terrific reward for a job well done. Yet it is only the beginning. As we reach the top of that first climb, we look out over the landscape and see all that is possible. Our imaginations run wild with the possibilities and the options that life offers.
It is at that moment that our ride through life takes on a new dimension. We feel the need for speed as we rocket down the other side of the steep climb. The curves come fast and furious as we twist and turn through a series of thrilling moments which take our breath away. Some of us laugh and shout, others cower and cry.

As we reach the bottom, we have a gamut of emotions; relief, excitement, exhilaration and anticipation. We begin to wonder if the ride has ended or if we still have another opportunity to continue on our fantastic voyage.

Our lives are much like that roller coaster with one incredible exception. We have a tremendous amount of control over duration and intensity of the peaks and valleys in our lives. While we never know when the ride will come to an end, our capacity to bounce back from adversity intensifies our experience and determines our destiny.

When the cycle of life brings us down, we have a choice to make. Will we stay down for the count or will we bounce back and give life all that we have to give? Each of us has the power to control our thoughts which ultimately control our actions. Our mind can initiate a new climb to magnificent heights or it can wallow in the worries of why.

As we increase our capacity to welcome the ever changing cycles of life and bounce back from even the most difficult circumstances, we create power to determine our destiny and direction.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 10

Lunar Letter / Intensificar el Vaivén de la Vida

La vida es cíclica y estamos en una montaña rusa de constantes emociones. Mientras viajamos por la montaña rusa de la vida, sentimos una variedad de emociones y sentimientos. Comenzando el viaje, estamos llenos de emoción y entusiasmo. Aprendemos y crecemos mientras iniciamos la subida de una pendiente fuerte que frecuentemente se interrumpe por vueltas inesperadas. Mientras estamos encaminados hacia nuestro objetivo, sentimos la excitación y el éxtasis de lo que está por venir.

Para muchos la culminación de nuestros estudios, bien sea del colegio, la
universidad o más allá, significa el logro de una meta increíble. Hemos llegado a la
cúspide de lo que hemos esperado durante mucho tiempo. Por supuesto es la realización de algo increíble. Sin embargo, es solamente el comienzo. Al estar en la cima, vemos el panorama de todas las posibilidades. Pensamos en todas las cosas maravillosas que nos ofrece la vida.

Es en este momento que nuestro camino por la vida toma otro significado. Sentimos la emoción de la velocidad mientras bajamos como un cohete por el otro lado de la pendiente que hemos subido. Las curvas vienen rápidamente mientras bajamos por momentos y eventos que nos dejan sin aliento. Algunos ríen y gritan, otros lloran y se lamentan.

Cuando llegamos abajo, percibimos una serie de emociones; alivio, excitación, emoción y anticipación. Empezamos a preguntarnos si el espectáculo ha terminado o si aún tenemos otra oportunidad de seguir en el rumbo maravilloso.

Nuestras vidas son como la montaña rusa con una excepción increíble. Tenemos un control extraordinario sobre la duración y la intensidad de los altos y bajos de nuestras vidas. Nunca sabremos cuando el espectáculo terminará, pero nuestro poder de rebotar en los momentos bajos intensifica nuestra experiencia y disfrute del camino.

Cuando el ciclo de la vida nos lleva abajo, tenemos que tomar una decisión. ¿Nos mantendremos abajo o rebotaremos para dar todo lo que está en nuestro poder? Todos tenemos el poder de dominar nuestros pensamientos lo que al final define nuestras acciones. Nuestra mente puede iniciar una nueva subida o puede perdurar en el por que.

Cuando aumentamos nuestra capacidad de aceptar los ciclos de la vida y rebotar de las situaciones más difíciles que encontramos, creamos el poder de determinar nuestro destino y dirección.


∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 10

Lunar Letter / The River of Change

riverOur lives are constantly changing and evolving. Frequently, these changes involve stress and worry. Following is an idea I have been working on which encourages us to embrace and welcome change.

Imagine for a moment that you are in the mountains. The vegetation is dense and the smell of the soil, trees and flowers impregnates the air. There are butterflies with intense colors, blue, red and yellow which fly haphazardly among the flowers of equally intense color. The sun’s rays which penetrate the tree branches abovebutterflies appear to be threads of silk which connect the trees with the earth. Gentle gusts of wind whisper through leaves which dance and vibrate.

The sound of a river winding through the valley murmurs as it passes over rocks that have formed over thousands of years. A small waterfall spills the contents of the river into a small pool. Small waves form from where the water enters the pool and undulate while losing intensity until they disappear completely into outer limits of the pool. The water is clear and transparent. There are rocks, branches and leaves on the outer borders which detain the contents of pool until it continue on its voyage.

There is an unorganized order which only nature can create. The water and other objects come into the pool from unknown sources. After staying for an indeterminate length of time, they continue on their merry way. There are insects, animals, plants and trees which utilize the pool as a source of energy, power and sustenance. The pool exists as is and with its imperfections is, in fact, perfect.

river_clear_pool_smOur lives are like the mountain river pool. The events of our days, months and years are like the objects that enter the pool. Some people and some things stay for a very long time. Others come and go unperceived. Regardless of how hard we try, it is impossible to keep things unchanged in our lives, in our pools. Change is inevitable and it is constant.

The pool in the mountain exists in harmony with nature. When there is a storm, the water in the pool becomes cloudy and disturbed. After the storm, the form and content of the pool are changed but the essence remains the same.

The same applies to us as human beings as we encounter change. Our lives and our minds are initially in turmoil as we process the new events. While we assimilate this new information, our minds are similar to the cloudy and disturbed pool. When we adopt change as a normal process in life, we have a powerful tool to embrace change.

Our capacity to value the importance of change in our lives determines our happiness, direction and destiny.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 9

Lunar Letter / El Río del Cambio

Nuestras vidas están constantemente cambiando y evolucionando. Frecuentemente, estos cambios implican estrés y preocupación. He aquí una forma de ver la vida, sobre la cual he estado trabajando, que nos puede ayudar a dar la bienvenida al cambio.

Imagina por un minuto que estás en una montaña. La vegetación es densa y el olor de tierra, árboles y flores impregna el ambiente. Hay mariposas de colores intensos, azules, rojos y amarillos que vuelan esporádicamente en el aire. Los rayos del sol penetran las ramas de los árboles y parecen hilos de seda que atan los árboles a la tierra. El viento susurra en hojas que bailan con ráfagas ligeras.

Se escucha el murmullo de un río que pasa tranquilamente por el valle donde estás sentado. El agua pasa por piedras que se han formado a través de miles de años. Una pequeña cascada lleva el agua a un pozo que refleja los rayos del sol. Ondas se forman desde donde entra el agua en el pozo y se van disminuyendo poco a poco hasta llegar al borde. El agua es cristalina y transparente. Hay piedras, ramas y hojas que detienen el agua en el pozo antes de que continúe en su viaje.

Hay un orden desordenado que solamente la naturaleza puede crear. Todo es perfecto y como debe ser. El pozo se surte de agua que viene de lugares desconocidos. Después de quedar por un tiempo indeterminado en el pozo, el agua sigue su aventura. Hay insectos, animales, plantas y árboles que utilizan el pozo como una fuente de energía, poder y sustento. La existencia del pozo es única y es insuperable.

Nuestras vidas se parecen a este pozo en la montaña. Los acontecimientos de nuestros días, meses y años son como el agua que entra en el pozo. Algunas personas y algunas cosas se quedan en nuestro pozo por mucho tiempo. Otras entran y se van rápidamente. Por más que deseemos, no es posible mantener todo lo que queremos en nuestras vidas, en nuestros pozos. El cambio es constante e inevitable.

El pozo en la montaña es perfecto y es como debe ser. Cuando pasa una tormenta, el agua en el pozo se vuelve turbia y revuelta. Después de la tormenta la forma y el contenido del pozo cambian, pero no su esencia.

Igual sucede con nosotros cuando pasamos por momentos difíciles de cambio. Nuestras vidas y nuestras mentes se conmocionan con la nueva información y los eventos que ocurren. Mientras asimilamos lo acontecido, nuestra mente podría parecer un pozo turbio y revuelto. Cuando adoptamos los cambios como algo normal y corriente, tenemos una herramienta elemental para abrazar el cambio.

Nuestra capacidad de valorar la importancia del cambio en nuestras vidas determina nuestra felicidad, dirección y destino.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

LL I 9

Lunar Letter / The Difference that makes a Tremendous Difference

There is an e mail message written by an anonymous author that I have received several times over the last few years. The message is powerful and surely, many have received it. The title is The Difference. Nevertheless, it leaves unanswered a very important question.

What to do with the information?

Each time I have read it, I have thought not only of the words but of the best way to take action with regards to each suggestion. Without action, words disappear in time.

The difference between wealthy and poor countries does not have to do with their age, natural resources, intelligence or ethnicity of the population. The difference has to do with the Attitude of the people. Attitude! Attitude is the difference that makes a tremendous difference!

Attitude is the exponential component of the formula I have created for success and confidence:Attitude!


Success comes from Confidence which is a product of Experience, Preparation, Perseverance and an excellent Attitude².

Let’s take a look at ten interesting ideas to obtain and maintain a terrific Attitude² with action ideas for each.

Our integrity is the basis of our character. Integrity with ourselves and others. What do we do when no one is looking? Our integrity does not depend on what others think of us but rather about what our own internal voice tells us. While brushing our teeth each night we can look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we have lived that day with integrity in our actions.

Being punctual is a habit which is formed by our experience. If our experience has taught us that everyone else will be late, we will tend to be late as well. Instead of trying to get someplace exactly on time, we can arrive ten minutes early for everything. When we get there, we will be calmer and better prepared. To take advantage of the time, we can develop the habit of taking something to read, such as a book or a magazine so we don’t “waste” our time while waiting for everyone else to show up.

Being responsible to others highlights their importance in our lives. When we honor our word and our obligations we show everyone that they are significant. One of our greatest needs as human beings is to feel important. In order to be more responsible, we can maintain a list where we keep the promises and obligations we have assumed. Reviewing this list on a daily basis will emphasize the significance of our responsibilities.

It is not easy to economize. Today’s world is based on mass consumption. Spending money today on the promise of tomorrow has become, in many instances, a badge of honor. Never in history have we had such a variety of goods and services at our disposal. To be certain, we should take advantage of modern advancements but only when all other basic necessities are satisfied.

Love of Work:
To love our work sounds spectacular and it would be wonderful if we all did exactly what we love doing! But what do we do when we are working somewhere which is something other than our “ideal” job? First, is to utilize the marvelous mind we all have to create a strategy to obtain our dream job, if we have not yet achieved it. Second, is to give significance to our job regardless of what it happens to be. When we give importance to our job and give it our best effort, new roads within the same area or in a totally different area will open.

Order and Cleanliness:
Order and cleanliness are often the first things we notice about an office, a house, a city or a country. When everything is orderly and clean, we suspect the people our proud of that particular place. As individuals, we can concentrate our efforts on our work place and homes as a starting point. It is difficult to change an entire society but easy to commence with our own surroundings. The seeds we plant today will grow and embellish our environment tomorrow.

Desire for improvement:
People do not age due to the passing years but rather for a lack of interest in life. While we are advancing, learning and growing, we remain young. All of the health and beauty products that are currently offered pale in comparison to the internal beauty that radiates from a person who is progressing towards a worthy objective. Reading, learning and studying are elements which assure we will always be young at heart.

Morality as a Basic Principle:
Morality is evident in all we do. It’s not a word to be heard only at church on Sundays. When we have to make a decision, it’s important to take a few seconds to ask ourselves, “Is what I am about to do true and correct? Could I tell my children what I am doing and feel proud?” The answers to these questions will help to keep us on the right road.

Respect for Law and Order:
Laws exist to maintain harmony within a society. When laws are respected by most, there is peace and tranquility. When laws are respected by few, hostility and anxiety reign supreme. In many cases we are taught that being tricky and sneaky, or “looking the other way” is acceptable behavior. Respecting not only the law but the spirit of the law allows us to be an integral part of society and not to isolate ourselves from it.

Respect for the Rights of Others:
We live with our own thoughts 24 hours a day. It’s natural to think of our own well being as well as those we love. When this idyllic state, however, infringes on the rights of others, there is internal and external conflict. The age old advice of treating others the way we would like them to treat us is the most effective procedure to respect the rights of others.

Abiding by each of these values is no easy task. To be sure, there will detours and challenges along the way. If, however, we adhere to these principles and take appropriate action, we will have a terrific Attitude² which will lead us to achieve more confidence and success in all that we do.

Committing to an objective, establishing a plan and taking action is the start of an adventure that can take us to whatever destination we desire.

∞ Rob McBride ∞

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