Los Cuatro Acuerdos – Resumen

1- SE IMPECABLE CON TUS PALABRAS: Habla con integridad. Di solamente lo que quieras decir. Evita hablar contra mismo y chismorrear sobre los demas. Utiliza el poder de tus palabras para avanzar en la direccion de la verdad y el amor. Toda la magia que posees se basa en tus palabras. Son pura magia y si las utilizas mal, se convertiran en magia negra. Con una sola palabra puedes cambiar una vida o destruir a millones de personas. Se impecable con tus palabras y trasiende tu nivel de existencia

2- NO TE TOMES NADA PERSONALMENTE: Lo que los demas dicen y hacen es una proyeccion de su propia realidad, de su propio sueño. NADA de lo que hacen es por ti. Cuando seas inmune a las opiniones y los actos de los demas, dejaras de ser la victima de un sufrimiento innecesario. La impecabilidad de tus palabras te llevara a la libertad personal, al exito y a la abundancia.

3-NO HAGAS SUPOSICIONES: Encuentra la valentia necesaria para preguntar y expresar lo que realmente quieres. Comunicate con los demas tan claramente como puedas a fin de evitar mal entendidos, tristeza y dramas. Solo con este acuerdo transformaras tu vida por completo, el dia que no haga suposiciones, te comunicaras con habilidad y claridad y tus palabras se volveran impecables.

4-HAZ SIEMPRE LO MAXIMO QUE PUEDAS: Lo maximo que puedas hacer cambiara de un momento a otro; sera distinto cuando estes sano que cuando estes enfermo. Bajo cualquier circunstancia, haz sencillamente lo maximo que puedas, y de este modo evitaras juzgarte, maltratarte y lamentarte.

De: Don Miguel Ruiz
Publicado por: Amber-Allen Publishing, inc.

Job search considerations…

While this article is a bit different from most of my posts, it is valuable information here and now.  In particular, Joel’s fourth point to consider relates strongly to my first book, A SPECIAL GIFT as well as the importance of faith in whatever form in our lives.
~ Rob

Job Search: 4 Points to Consider


Unfortunately you don’t have to look very far to find someone who has been negatively affected by the downturn in the labor market.

While it may not seem all that long ago when this country was pumping out paychecks at full employment, the latest numbers put the jobless rate at 7.6% and the Labor Department says that in January, nearly 600,000 jobs were siphoned out of the economy.

In times of low unemployment numbers, companies can expect somewhere around 70 to 80 respondents per job opening. With unemployment numbers creeping upward, it stands to reason that the response ratio will also ratchet higher.

With an increasingly competitive job market, it is now more important than ever to have a good understanding of what you have to offer the employer, (skills and abilities, personality tendencies, values, dreams, and passions).

When I’m helping someone find their next best fit, I encourage him or her to hold fast to four simple points before they put wheels on their job search strategy.

(Below each point are questions to help you gain clarity).

1. Look inward:

Are there professional themes that continue to play out in my life?

Am I confusing my abilities to do a job with my professional desires?

In what style of professional environment do I feel the most energized?

2. Look backward:

Looking at my work life so far, what has given me the greatest value or worth?

What are some of the more valuable lessons I’ve learned from my past professional achievements?

What did I dream about doing as a younger person?

3. Look forward:

What would really give me professional mobility?

What group of words or rallying cry would describe my ideal career?

Is there a difference between job, career, and vocation?

Should I create my own opportunity, (in this economy)?

4. Look upward:

Did God put a calling on my life?

If I am called to do something, why am I fearful?


Joel Boggess

Colleyville, Texas



El regalo más grande que podemos dar a cualquier persona y en cualquier momento es una amplia y sincera sonrisa.
~  Rob