V 3 One by One
V 1 Fallen Soldiers

IV 50 Borderline to Perfect
IV 49 Phases
IV 48 The Truth
IV 47 You Are Incredible
IV 46 Uncertainty
IV 45 Explanations and Justifications
IV 44 Pay the Price
IV 43 Words
IV 42 Bend But Don’t Break
IV 41 Simple Pleasures
IV 40 Keep Moving
IV 39 Direction
IV 38 Hourglasses
IV 37 If Pets Could Talk
IV 36 Closing the Gap
IV 35 Take Responsibility
IV 34 Nothing to Lose
IV 33 Should I Stay or Should I Go?
IV 32 The Golden Years
IV 31 Baggage
IV 30 The Compass of Life
IV 29 Opportunity is Now Here
IV 28 Brain vs. Mind
IV 27 Like a Bird
IV 26 Food for your Soul
IV 25 Fight or Flight
IV 24 A Struggle for Power
IV 23 A Separate Reality
IV 22 Beyond the Next Bend
IV 21 Play Life
IV 20 Purpose
IV 19 Be Congruent
IV 18 Financial Freedom
IV 17 Cause and Effect
IV 16 Color Your World
IV 15 The Dawn of a New Day
IV 14 Eternal Lines of Time
IV 13 Awaken!
IV 12 Walking There Is No Road
IV 11 Natual Law vs. Man’s Law
IV 10 Footsteps
IV 9 At What Cost
IV 8 My Best Friend
IV 6 A Tree in Time
IV 5 Roots
IV 4 My Little Book of Success
IV 3 Firm with Dreams / Flexible with Plans
IV 2 Living the Dream
IV 1 The Glass of Life
III 50: Give Days to Pain
III 49: Together We Can Pass the Test
III 48: Don’t Get Stuck in the Try
III 47: Enjoy the Process
III 46: Being Happy in an Unhappy World
III 45: It’s Not the Place, It’s the Person
III 44: Why, What, Who, Where, How, How, Which, When
III 43: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
III 42: With Love
III 41: My Message for You
III 40: Rounding Off the Rough Edges
III 39: Natural Law
III 38: Now I Realize
III 37: The Wind of Adversity
III 36: Not Everything is as it Seems
III 35: Renewal
III 34: Another Dimension
III 33: 2024 – Carnival in Caracas
III 32: Think and Create
III 31: Make Possible the Impossible
III 30: A Question of Decision
III 29: Today is the Day!
III 28: Adversity Sculpts Character
III 27: Give and Receive
III 26: So Many Spaces
III 25: Expect the Unexpected
III 24: Do Small Things Great
III 23: We Can Change the World
III 22: The Little Devil Inside
III 21: To the Limit of Possibility
III 20: Unsung Heroes
III 19: Eternal Bliss
III 18: Thought => Reality
III 17: Part of the Solution
III 16: Intention + Implementation = Satisfaction
III 15: To Live Again
III 14: Be Your Own Boss
III 13: The Mind’s Eye
III 12: Show Up and Stand Out
III 11: Puzzles
III 10: Do What We Say
III 9: A Step Ahead
III 8: Bubbles
III 7: Canine Instinct
III 6: Clean it, Fix it, or Pitch it!
III 5: Cope with Hope
III 4: It Ain’t Overl ’till It’s Over
III 3: What’s Most Important
III 2: Fall in Love
III 1: The Same but Different
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

II 50: Seeds of Success
II 49: The Magic of Goals
II 48: Three at a Time
II 47: A New Beginning
II 46: A Beginning and an End
II 45: Action to Thought
II 44: Getting to “How”
II 43: Rocks in the Road
II 42: Masks
II 41: Good and Bad
II 40: A Little Magic
II 39: Flow
II 38: Face in the Mirror
II 88.88: 88 in a Row
II 37: Get Uncomfortable
II 36: The Sweet Sensation of Success
II 35: Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
II 34: Vivid Imagination
II 33: I Will Survive
II 32: In the Eye of the Hurricane
II 31: The Engine of Life
II 30: Do You Remember When?
II 29: It’s Showtime
II 28: A Busted Bounce
II 27: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
II 26: Guiding Lights
II 25: Imagine a Life
II 24: A Matter of Focus
II 23: Do it Wrong?
II 22: A Time for Everything
II 21: 2.22% for You
II 20: Easier Said than Done
II 19: Moments
II 18: What’s in it for Me?
II 17: A Little Extra
II 16: Pruining Excess
II 15: On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
II 14: Crazy 8’s
II 13: A Burning Desire
II 12: Another Day, Another Dollar
II 11: The Boomerang Effect
II 10: Doing the “Pacheco”
II 9: How Rather than What
II 8: Challenge Routine
II 7: The Curiosity of a Kid
II 6: The Tenacity of a Tree
II 5: Flow Through Challenge
II 4: Comfort in Discomfort
II 3: Pretty or Practical
II 2: Imperfect Perfection
II 1: Reach Out and Touch Someone
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I 50: I’ve Learned
I 49: Overcome Challenge
I 48: Dare to be Great!
I 47: Bouncing Across the Americas
I 46: Intention & Action => Direction
I 46: The Game of Life
I 44: Food for Thought
I 43: Stairway to Heaven
I 42: On Top of the World
I 41: Beyond Our Grasp
I 40: No Time Like Now
I 39: Tantalizing Temptations
I 38: Master Mind Moon Meeting
I 37: One Play at a Time
I 36: Magical Moments
I 35: Empower Thought
I 34: Blind Spots
I 33: Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Day
I 32: Doing the Right Thing
I 31: A Leap of Faith
I 30: Conceive ~ Believe ~ Achieve
I 29: Bottom of a Bounce
I 28: Challenge a Problem
I 27: Fanning the Fire
I 26: A Work of Art
I 25: Tune In!
I 24: A Feast Fit for a King
I 23: FUDs, You’re Fired!
I 22: “Retensive Learning“
I 21: Corporate Bounce
I 20: The Resilience of a Sponge
I 19: Eight to Create, Motivate, and Stay in Shape
I 18: Bounce or be Bounced?
I 17: The Energy of Life
I 16: Riding the Wave of Change
I 15: Adversity Creates Character
I 14: Precious Stones
I 13: Creating Power and Energy
I 12: I Hear you Knocking
I 11: The Well of Abundance
I 10: More Bang for Your Bounce
I 9: The River of Change
I 8: The Difference that Makes a Tremendous Difference
I 7: Powerful Goals
I 5: ATTITUDE² – An Exponential Difference