Have you ever noticed that things stay pretty much the same, and yet at the same time can also be so very different?
The Earth continues its trek around the sun, the moon around the Earth, and first light comes just before dawn on the eastern horizon. The daily news is filled with war, hate, dispute, and unfairness. Politicians jockey for position, the middle class looks around in confusion, and the lower class finds making a living increasingly difficult. The song remains the same over the ages of time.
Natural disasters, scientific discoveries, new sources of power and our natural ingenuity all come together to make each day the same, yet also very different from any other. Wars are often waged in words and are won or lost based on who you ask, and whats more, in many cases it’s unclear if there is ever a winner.
Depending on the season, various groups are targeted for hate, be it because they are Jewish, gay, or simply have a different opinion or lifestyle from others. Those in power politically pretty much stay the same, though they trade positions now and then as those who do cross into their world come up the ranks seeking to find their own place in the vast machine of power and control. Those who depend on someone else for a paycheck are constantly looking over their shoulder to make sure their golden egg isn’t taken away from them when they’re not looking, and those who have little or none seem to have even less as time goes on.
While all of these things are a sign of our times, we find them also in virtually any society in recorded history, and they will likely exist for the foreseeable future.
We are a result of our thoughts, and depending on what we put into our mind, we will get different results. If we are constantly talking about how bad the weather is, how terrible politicians are, and focusing on each and every negative aspect we come across, we will be lucky if we can make it out of bed in the morning to face another day.
If, on the other hand, we can realize that all kinds of weather serve an important function in our ecosystem, and as such, any weather is good weather, regardless of how bad it may seem to us mere mortals. Rain gives much needed moisture, wind helps to remove dead branches from trees which no longer need them and to pollinate flowers. The sun warms us, nourishing us with her presence even when its cloudy.
Politicians are neither good or bad as group, though individually some leave much to be desired. They simply are a distinct breed who operate in a world difficult for most of us fully understand. The majority start with good intentions and some are able to make outstanding contributions to their communities. Most end up positioning themselves for power in a game of favors which has been around since the beginning of time.
We can focus on the good or the bad we see in the world and in people. No doubt we can find both if we look hard enough. Instead of imagining the world as we would like it to be, we can be more realistic in our expectations. Rather than wishing things would stay the same and being disappointed when they are not, we can instead accept that some things will change regardless of our wishes, and when they take a turn for the worse, all we can ever possibly do is to continue moving forward one step at a time and day by day.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
12 Aug 2022
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