Like the wind, opportunity is almost always present, yet rarely evident. Sometimes it sneaks up on us like a gentle breeze, while at others it can knock us over with its force.
Most often we are submerged in our own little worlds, virtually unaware of its presence. Some successfully harness its power to better their lot in life, while others brace themselves against it, preferring to stand fast where they are as it whirls about, rarely considering it as anything more than a nuisance. Many of us complain about our lack of opportunity, yet it is available to all who are willing use its strength to take us to places we never thought possible.
Like a sailboat which uses the wind to get from one place to the next, we too use opportunity to get around. Much of the time, like a boat anchored in port, we rise and fall with the tide, seeking to escape from the wrath of the winds force when it becomes too strong. Yet, if we play our cards right, it can take us to faraway places and amazing new spaces, if only we are willing to unfurl our sails and garner its strength.
Like a sailor who learns to sail the ocean blue by harnessing the wind, we too can also learn to use opportunity to our benefit, rather than simply bracing against it. While we can take advantage of opportunity before we are prepared for it, being ready for it allows us to best utilize its power. The right opportunity without proper preparation can lead us to a seemingly endless sea of nothingness, or perhaps even leave us stranded on some deserted isle.
From the time we are born, to our final days, the winds of change and opportunity take us here and there.
Have you ever thought about this?
The history books are filled with stories of those who go from rags to riches by effectively using opportunity to their best advantage. So too we find accounts of how many who are born in the lap of luxury, and seemingly endless opportunities, yet end up crashing into the rocks of some unknown coast, leading no where.
What makes the difference?
Life plays no favorites. We are all given 24 hours a day and 365 days a year to do as we please, though often we don’t think this is so. The fact is that we can remain as we are, resisting the winds of change and opportunity which threaten to take us to unknown places, or we can fill our sails with its force to take us where we want to go. While many stand firm refusing to budge against its power, others are take hold of opportunity flowing with it, rather than resisting it.
Many say luck is when opportunity meets preparation. So too is the case when the winds of change beckon us to succumb to its ever-present force. If we take an opportunity before we are properly prepared, we can end up someplace else, though we can learn from the experience as it takes us there. Contrarily, being properly prepared for opportunity when it comes our way can take us to new, exciting ports in exotic and interesting places.
Life brings opportunity daily, but on us it depends whether it leads us to frustration and failure, or to outstanding, fabulous success. Rather than resisting the winds of change and opportunity, we can prepare for them and then take them, so they may guide us to achieve our greatest desire.
∞ Rob McBride ∞
18 Dec 2021
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